“And his boys, well, you’ve got Helios coming to the end of his stretch, Atlas, God only knows where, and Vex… that guy doesn’t know what’s good for him. He should be at his father’s shoulder, should be listening, taking notes, following orders, that guy… Imagine what he could’ve had? With some sack, he could be his father’s key weapon. Instead he’s an embarrassment.”
“Think he saw it coming? That at some point, he just…”
“You know Vex better than almost anyone. You’re the longest relationship he ever had in his life outside family.”
Not an accolade she was proud of. If anything, that truth was a beacon of his insanity. The longest running relationship in his life was with his stalkee. Crazy didn’t cover it.
“He doesn’t know what’s good for him.”
“No, ‘cause if he did, he wouldn’t be taking on Ire McDade at the peak of his power. Wouldn’t be going after Ire McDade’s girl at all. Guess it’s not a problem anymore though.”
“What’s not a problem?”
Strat patted her knuckles. “Ire give you the run-down?”
“On what happened tonight.”
“We haven’t done much… talking.”
“You get too distracted, kid.”
“What am I supposed to do when he turns me on and—”
“And that’s the limit of what I want to hear. Rest of us are looking to you. Someone needs to be on top of him.” He dug a fist into the bed to force himself upward. “We need your voice in there.”
“Don’t move around,” she said. Even in his weakened state, he was stronger than her. An attempt to push him down was fruitless. Not that she’d push too hard. They had a kinship when it came to being ordered around in the name of recuperation. “I’m useless without you, you know?”
“Give yourself more credit. Sersha McLeod doesn’t need any guy to stand up for her.”
“He was working flat out, remember? Whisper was going to the prison for Biz. Conn had a plan, and what happened with my father, it’s diverted everything. We didn’t need the detour. How do I know we didn’t lose valuable time?”
“Now Ire has you back, he’ll get things on track.”
Family went two different ways. The McDades were her priority all day long. But the McLeods, actually one particular McLeod, might not be ready to get in line.
“And my father?” she asked.
“From what I hear, man’s got his own troubles.”
“Don’t ask me, I thought he was with Lach until Conn told me otherwise.”
“He say where he was?” The question lingered until her shoulder rose and her friend shook his head, amused again. “Haven’t done much talking, right.”
“Did the doctor say how long you’d be here?”
“I’ll be good to go tomorrow.”
Now who was the joker? “Not a chance. You’re staying here until you’re healed.” Conn’s threat to keep her chained up sounded like a good idea for her friend. “If anything happens to you—”
“Focus on what’s right ahead of you, kid. Think Ire’ll let you out again?”
He’d never ask her to be something she wasn’t. “I’ll support his plan, whatever it is. This week with my dad has put so much in perspective. I didn’t get it. I thought I got it, but… Being part of this world, the McDade world, it has to take precedence, and everyone else has to know it.”
“That what the obit’s for? An ode to your former self?”
“No, Conn asked me to write it.”