“They’re as fascinated as they are terrified. All the questions, the supposition, they’re desperate for info, but prefer to speculate in their circles than ask me anything direct.”
“In everyone’s defense, you don’t answer direct questions. Not honestly. What would they get for asking them?”
She had to give Tulip that. “People don’t understand. They put others in categories, label them good or evil, righteous or wicked.”
“Doesn’t everyone in your life fit into those categories?”
Oh, if only she could tell the full truth.
“No,” she said. “Conn is a better man than any other I’ve known. Lachlan aside.”
“Not your father or grandfather aside too?”
On a slow exhale, she held firm. “I didn’t misspeak. Don’t be fooled by appearances.”
“So Whisper going to Biz in prison had nothing to do with the contract on his wife’s head?”
“Whisper is a confident woman. She doesn’t answer to me or do what I say.”
“Which is what you said about Razer’s social calendar.” Tulip sat back. “You’re wasting my time.”
“Or you’re wasting mine. This is your job, but it’s my life, my guy’s life. Do you have any intention of telling me who falsely fingered Conn?”
“Do you have any intention of telling me who put the price on Nicole’s head?”
“It wasn’t anyone I know,” she said without blinking.
The moment that passed between them tugged at gravity, growing more somber. This was it, the faceoff had come.
“But it was someone, and you know who.” A statement. “The McDades?” She didn’t respond. “You have to give me something, Sersha. Was it one of the families?”
“Could be.”
“Do you know where she is? Is Nicole safe? Is she still alive?”
“Last I heard.” Though she hadn’t asked with everything else going on. “Alive and safe.”
“From everyone? You could only know that if she’s with the McDades. Is she under their protection? Just because Ire’s protecting her doesn’t mean it wasn’t a McDade that put out the hit. They aren’t known for yielding to each other.”
“Layers of intrigue,” Sersha said and smiled. “Welcome to my world.”
“Is she close by? Somewhere I can talk to her?”
“She’s not taking visitors.” No need for Conn’s nod to confirm that. “You want to be careful about snooping.”
“Why didn’t you tell me about you and Ire? We went out, to Stag, and you didn’t… say a word.”
“I don’t declare the details of my love life to everyone I meet.”
“Yeah, but you knew I was interested—were you protecting them?
“You say that like we’re your enemy.”
“Aren’t you?”
While it wasn’t like her to be defensive, she had that same thread of suspicion in her. The curiosity made them good at theirjobs. Tulip could be their enemy, if she played it that way, or she could clean up the misconceptions.
She got to her feet. “Come with me.”