“Come with you where?”
“On an adventure.”
As she went out, Tulip hurried after. Her three guys were in the bullpen, watching.
“We’re going out,” she said to Daly.
“We just got here.”
Steeple leaped out of his office. “Sersha—”
“We’re going out for an hour,” she said. “I’ll check back in later.”
“Where are we going?” Daly asked, glancing behind her while keeping pace at her side. The not so happy expression on his face betrayed Tulip was in her wake. “Somewhere for lunch?”
“Actually, yeah,” she said. “Can someone grab lunch?”
“Wait, we’re your valet now?”
“You three are safe from menial duties,” she said, entering the elevator with her First Team. “I know your names, you’ve got to stick around. Make room.”
Wafting her arms in front of her, she forced her guys to the walls to give space for Tulip to join them.
“Not sure the boss’ll like this,” Hock muttered.
“Us this close to Bluebell?” Snuff asked to which Hock snickered.
“Very funny, guys,” she said, bowing to press the lobby button. “You don’t have to touch me to fear for your lives. Just pray I don’ttell himyou touched me.” The guys stayed pretty flat, but she laughed and gestured at Tulip. “I’m kidding.”
“Yeah, she could do it with a look.”
She backhanded Daly’s belly, still smiling at their guest. “Do you want something to eat? We can have something brought to us.”
“So long as it’s not from the deli down the road,” Daly said as the doors opened.
She kept Tulip close as the trio surrounded them to cross the building lobby and go out to the street.
“Do these guys come with you everywhere?”
The answer to that question was complicated, if she overthought it.
“Aye,” she said, and nodded at the black van behind. “And those ones.” Daly opened the Bentley door. “Conn cares about my safety above everything else.” She slipped in the back with Tulip not far behind. “Let me break down some of the mystery for you.” Daly got in the front. “Take us to the club.”
STAG IN THE DAYTIME wasn’t intimidating. So she thought until Tulip stopped to look up at it after they left the car. The building was huge, dark, hiding whatever was within, cloaking its secrets. And, boy, did it have secrets.
Daly stopped next to her to side whisper. “Sure this is a good idea?”
“It’s lunch. We’ll show Tulip there’s nothing sinister going on.”
“Biggs is here already, guys are on their way with food.” Good idea or not, he’d follow orders. “Problem though, you don’t eat lunch.”
“Tulip can eat. Just make sure there’s coffee or booze.”
“Never short of that, honey.”
The club wasn’t open for business, and Play was likely the one upstairs, alone or not. But they didn’t have to draw back the whole proverbial curtain. The mystery came from the mystique of the family and its late-night dealings. If she could uncloud that mist, in the right crevices, and let the woman think she was just a little on the inside, maybe she could foster allegiance.