Page 94 of Never You

“But I’ll be on my best behavior, baby.” I grab my snapback from my head, putting it on backwards so I can see her better. “I promise.”

The corner of her mouth lifts, her eyes beaming. “Good.”


Alittle sooner than expected, we arrive at my family home, and Jensen parks the car in the driveway. A warm, fuzzy feeling settles inside of me when I look at the white house with a big porch. It’s one of those homes that looks even better with Christmas lights, and just thinking about decorating the tree with Lily this year makes me giddy like a child.

“Nice house.” Jensen lowers his head, taking in the building that represents my entire childhood.

Suddenly, I’m reminded of the fact that my entire family is waiting for me inside, and I start feeling a bit nervous to introduce him to everyone.

“Thanks,” I mumble as I get out of the car with a stone in my stomach.

Here goes nothing.

Leaving our stuff in the car for now, the boys follow behind me, and when we reach the porch steps, I quickly turn to face them with a slight scold.


Bodi and Jensen both nod their heads, albeit with mischievous smiles on their faces, but I’m deciding to trust them. Sucking in a deep breath, I slowly exhale before I swing the door open.

“Surprise!” We all jump at the unexpected noise directed at us, and I blink at the two-dozen people standing in the hallway.

Oh, no.

My entire family, plus neighbors, are standing in the hall with party hats on and birthday horns in their mouths. The house is decorated with blue and purple garlands. The smell of fresh apple pie wafts through the air while confetti explodes in front of us.

You have got to be kidding me.

“What the—” I hear Jensen huff under his breath as I bring my head up to the banner hanging on the ceiling that says:Happy birthday, Rae!

“It’s yourbirthday?” Jensen grates.

“Err. Yeah,” I say, awkwardly. “Surprise?”

“And what, you forgot?” His breath tickles my neck as he hisses against my skin.

Of course, I didn’t forget. But I didn’t think they were planning a surprise party. I thought we’d have dinner; Nana would make some fried chicken, maybe an apple pie and we’d have cheesecake from Lou’s for dessert. It’s not like twenty-four is a special birthday?

“I didn’t wanna make a big deal out of it.”

“Maybe you should’ve mentioned that to your family,” he mumbles.

“Not now, Jensen,” I sing-song with a tight smile still in place, taking a step forward to greet my eager looking family.

His firm hand grabs my shirt, holding me back for another moment as he puts his mouth flush with my ear.

“I’m gonna get you back somehow, Stafford.”

Stiffly, I let out a chuckle before Lily runs into my legs, wrapping her arms tightly around my thighs.

“Hey, pretty girl.” I grab her by the arm, then lift her onto my hip before burying my nose into her blonde hair while her white puffy dress falls over my arms. She smells like her vanilla scented Disney Princess shampoo, and I suck in the smell, reminding me that I’m really home.

“I missed you,” she says.

“I missed you too. Boys, this is my little sister, Lily.”

“Who are you?” She brings her head up, her dark blue eyes beaming at Jensen as people slowly move in our space.