“There was no meeting, dumbass.”
I look at him, confused, not fully understanding what he’s saying until it’s like a lightbulb appears in my head.
“I believe the words are:thank you, motherfucker.” He smirks, looking fucking smug.
“You’re shitting me, right?”
“You needed time alone with her. She makes you happy.”
That son of a bitch.
The look in his eyes is the reason why he’s my best friend. He grants me the world, and he will cross any boundaries if he thinks it will make me happy.
Even when he does shit like this, being a fucking brown nosing idiot, sticking his nose where it doesn’t belong.
“You faked a meeting and flew out two days early so I could have a few days alone with Rae?” I ask, stunned.
“Actually.” He drags out the word, giving me a fake smile. “I also sent that photo of you two.”
I just blink. Confused.
“To Emily,” he clarifies.
“You did what?!” I bark the words, more in shock than in anger, because the truth is, I don’t even care who sent that damn photo. I’m just glad someone did, but hearing my best friend is the bastard who put this all together makes no sense. Then again, it also makes complete sense.
Told you,brown nosing idiot.
“Bodi, for fucks sake.”
“Look, I know you don’t want to admit it, but there is something going on between the two of you. I see the way you look at her, and if I’m honest—I’ve always seen the way she looked at you. There is a chemistry between the two of you, and with me around, that was easy to ignore. I know you’re switching teams, yes I know about that, and fuck you for not telling me asshole.”Oops. “You’re moving to who knows where, and you needed to realize Emily is not it. I’m sorry I tricked you.” He gives me a remorseful face before it returns to that smug grin. “But you basically forced me with your ostrich behavior.”
“And this fake meeting?”
He shrugs. “With me out of the picture… I knew it was only a matter of time before you two would take the plunge.”
“You’re an asshole.” I glare, even though I’m not mad at him.
If anything, I want to kiss the guy for figuring out what I’ve been trying to tuck away.
“It worked, didn’t it?”
I tilt my head, nodding. “It sure as fuck did.”
“Now that we agree on that, are you ready to face your mother?”
Normally, the thought of facing my mother would drain my energy and suck up whatever good mood I might be in. But this time, I just smile.
“Fuck it.” My heart fills with pride, ready to face her head on.
Bodi is right. I don’t need them. It’s not like I go to them for some motherly advice or to discuss my season with my father. They haven’t contributed anything other than a roof over my head, food on the table, and a feeling of never being enough. I have money in the bank, so number one and two haven’t been an issue since I first signed my NHL contract. But it’s time to stop looking for ways to please my parents. I’ll never be what they want me to be, and I’m done pretending.
“Shit.” Bodi smiles. “For real this time? You’re going through with it?”
Rae’s bright smile flashes in front of my face, and I know there is only one answer.
“Yeah,” I pause, nodding my head. “I am.”