“Okay, I’m back.” A smile slides into place on Bodi’s face before he points his finger at his friend with a determined look. “Payback is going to be a bitch, Jay.”
“I can handle it.” Jensen shrugs, grabbing my neck with his rough palm. “You’re up.”
“Nah-ah. You first.” My chin raises with defiance as I enjoy the scorching feeling of his hand on my body.
“Fine,” he grunts, letting go of me.
“Truth or dare,” I beam, resting my elbows on the table.
“Please say dare. Please say dare. Please say dare,” Bodi chants in a whisper.
“AH! Pussy!” Bodi gives Jensen a shove while I enjoy the familiarity between the two men.
They clearly know each other through and through, but they also have a great level of respect for each other that's noticeable within their banter. It reminds me of how Kayla and I are together. How we can bitch at each other all day, much to my grandmother’s dismay, but to us, it shows how much we love each other. It’s our love language. The more I bitch at you, the more I love you.
“Okay,” I start, cocking my head as I lock my eyes with Jensen waiting for me in anticipation, “did you ever cheat?”
I don’t know where my brazenness comes from. I don’t even know why I think this is a good time to give in to my curiosity, but for some reason, I do.
I blame Rebel Rae.
His handsome face grows stern, and for a minute, I regret my question, cursing her back in her crate. He holds my gaze for a moment until the corner of his mouth curls, amusement washing his face. When I’m convinced he’s not mad, I softly push out a breath.
“Why are you asking, Rae?” He mockingly tilts his head. “You of all people should know the answer to that question?”
Insecure, I share a look with Bodi, who’s smiling like he’s loving the entertainment I provided. Too cocky to chicken out, my eyes find Jensen’s, knowing I’m playing into his hands by pushing this through.
“I don’t,” I admit.
“Well, well. What are you saying, Miss Stafford?” He narrows his eyes. “That you might have been wrong about me?”
“I’m asking you a question.” I roll my eyes at his dramatics, holding back my grin.
He rests his elbows on the table, slowly leaning in, and I can feel my heartbeat speed up once more. A tingly feeling runs through my hands, and I play with my nails to keep them busy, when really, I want to rake them through his hair.
“For the last five years, you’ve been scolding me forcheating. I believe you’ve told me‘I should keep my dick in my pants’more than once.” He leans back, his arms crossed in front of his body, with an arrogant smirk. “But two days on the road with me and you’re starting to doubt yourself? You’re starting to wonder if I’m really a cheating asshole, or you’re just a judgmental little pain in the ass?”
“I never said I doubted myself,” I huff, adamant, even though I know he cornered me successfully.
Remind me to put Curious Rae back in her crate next to Rebel Rae.
“You wouldn’t be asking me that question if you didn’t, baby.” He grabs the arms rest of my chair, pulling me closer. “Admit it. Admit it, and I will answer your question.”
“Not how this works, Jensen. It’s your turn. You answer.”
His eyes move back and forth, roaming my face, and I swallow hard when they lower to my lips, his tongue darting out to lick his own. The blood rushes through my head, as I wonder how his lips would feel on mine while I squeeze my thighs together.
“NO.” The word rumbles out of his body, as if he wants to make sure I understand the meaning of it, yet he doesn’t explain anything else, and I shouldn’t feel as released as I am. It makes no sense. “Now say it.”
“Say what?!” I screech, our faces still too close.
“That you were wrong about me.”
“Why? You’re still an asshole.” Bodi is tittering beside us, and my eyes quickly dart to him enjoying the show.
“Not denying that. Say it, Rae. Admit it. Youlikeme. And don’t roll your eyes at me like I’m wrong, because you know I’m right.”