Page 54 of Never You

“Likeis a big word,” I sputter.

“You. Like. Me.”

“Fine!” I throw my hands up in the air, leaning back in my chair to create some distance while grabbing a shot from the table. “You’re alright.”

“Ha! I knew it. Now repeat after me, ‘I’m a judgmental pain in the ass.’ But say it like you mean it. Really pull the words from your toes.” He balls his fist, raising it in the air to enhance his assertion. I blink at him, while I put the glass to my lips until the sweet taste of peach welcomes my tongue.

“Never gonna happen,hockey boy,” I reply while smashing the glass back on the table.

“Fine. My turn. Truth or dare, Rae?” Jensen’s blue eyes gleam with pleasure as I wonder what is going on in that head of his.

Normally, I’d rather choose dare, not feeling the need to disclose anything with anyone. Answers always result in more questions, and before you know it, they know your life story. Mine is definitely not worth sharing if we want this to stay a happy night. But after what he pulled to Bodi, I have a feeling giving Jensen a dare will probably be a bad choice for me.


Jensen holds my gaze intensely, his eyes acting like lasers as if he can read my mind before his lips start to move. “Were you in love with Kent?”

My heart falls when the words reach my ears, joined by a pounding drum in my head. A tightness forms in my chest while I’m rushed back to that first moment Sean told me he loved me.

We hadn’t been dating for long, but it didn’t matter because it made sense. He took me on a date to the beach, just us, with a bottle of wine and some crackers. Simple, just how I like it. We’d been talking for an hour, cuddling, and just enjoying each other’s company, when those eight letters left his lips. The moment was right. The setting was right.Hewas right.

But I couldn’t say it back.

I froze. I freaked out. And when I finally calmed down, I told him I wasn’t capable of loving anyone. Not after what I’d been through. Not when I know love can leave you as quick as it arrives. I asked him for time. Told him that one day I’d be able to say it back.That day never came.

“Rae?” Bodi’s voice snaps me out of my daydream, and I glance at him before my eyes move back to Jensen, now looking at me with hawk eyes, worry written over his face as if he’s not sure he wants the answer to this question.

“No,” I finally admit. “No, I was never in love with him.”

Relief showers his face, confusing me before I take another shot to calm my heart down, then put on a smile to lighten the mood.

“Who’s next?”


I’ve learned two things about Rae Stafford while playing this stupid game.

One, she doesn’t like to answer personal questions, and two, she can drink like a sailor.

Unless it’s gin.

After the three of us devoured the two dozen shots of pink schnapps, I ordered the same amount of apple gin shots, and I’m not regretting it. With every shot she takes, her eyes glow even more, she becomes chattier, and to my amusement, more flirtatious.

“No!” she cries, laughing. “The two of you seriously got arrested forstreaking?”

Her hand drops to my knee, like it has been doing for the last ten minutes, and the heat of her palm burns through my jeans.

“How come I never read about this in the paper?” she jokes.

“Because his daddy has a big army of lawyers that wiped out all evidence,” Bodi explains, with a grateful look. “I don’t like his mum and dad, but I have to admit, I was glad they took care of that.”

“Must be convenient to have a dad with connections.” She winks, squeezing my knee before she licks her lips.

The same lips that seem to have a deep connection to my dick.

“Not as much as it may seem.”

Sure, I’m glad there is no evidence of my drunk streaking adventure, but ninety-nine percent of the time, having a parent in politics just means you have to think about every move you make. Being the black sheep of the Jensen family allowed me a few missteps along the way, but my parents made sure it was never more than that.