Page 27 of Never You

“I’m sorry, I don’t speakdog. Can you repeat that in English?” Her eyes are on fire, and it turns me on more than it should.

I let out a deep, sarcastic sigh. “Oh, so that is why you don’t respond to any of my commands. And here I thought you were just a puppy that needs some more training,’’ I reply, sweetly.

If I thought her eyes looked livid five seconds ago, I was wrong. She clenches her jaw, and I’m sure the big SUV between us is the only reason I’m not jumped yet.

I’ve seen a look like this on her many times over the last few years, and it seems like it gets sexier every single fucking time. But this is a whole other level of rage I have triggered. It’s thelevel where I want to shut her up with my mouth covering hers. Putting out her fire by making her explode in my hands first.

Anything to feel her flames against my body.

“Puppy, bitch, call me whatever you want, but I will more than likely bite your balls off before I listen to any of your commands,asshole.”

“Does that mean you want your lips on my balls?” I wink.

“ARGH!” she cries out, closing her eyes for a brief moment to take a deep breath. “Fuck you. Get in the damn car,” shecommandsas she leads by example.

“Oh, come on, that one was a little funny,” I say while I do the same. “Besides, why can’t I drive?”

I quickly lock eyes with Bodi, who is avoiding my gaze with another reprimanding shake of his head.

He definitely used to be more fun.

Ignoring me, she puts her sunglasses on her nose, then starts the engine and moves the car back on the road. I can feel her anger flooding my way, and I tilt my head to look at her.

“Come on, baby, you can’t ignore me for the rest of the week.”

Accepting her nonverbal challenge, I throw her a smoldering look while she glances at me every few seconds. Her frustration seems to simmer down slowly, the features on her face growing less stern every time she meets my gaze.

“Baby,” I repeat.

She growls, keeping her focus straight ahead as I watch her grip the wheel a bit tighter.

“Baby, I’m sorry. You know I’m just messing with you. It’s what we do, right?” I move my hand back and forth between the two of us. “We piss each other off. I’m an asshole and you love to tell me I am. I would freak you out if I was going all good guy on you,” I joke, trying a different approach.

Part of me means it. We’ve been bickering and nagging each other for so long, I don’t even know how to not get on her nerves. I push her buttons and she pushes right back.It’s fucking fun.

She starts to shake her head, a smile now haunting her lips, encouraging me to keep going.

“Baby, talk to me,” I plead, fluttering my lashes like a damn Ken doll.

“Stop calling mebaby. I’m not your goddamn baby,” she grunts.

I smile, finally getting a reaction from her. I’d rather have her bitching at me than ignoring me. It seems out of character, considering we have been bitching at each other for the last five years.

“Oh, good, you’re talking again. Tell me, why can’t I drive?”

“Are you kidding me?” she sneers, adamant, her brown eyes wide and bright. “Have you seen yourself drive? I want to get this thing to North Carolina.In one piece.”

“I’m an excellent driver,” I huff, slightly offended by her remark.

I’ve never crashed a car. I won’t deny I’ve had a few close calls, but I’ve never actually crashed.

“Jensen, you drive like you are onGrand Theft Auto.You can do that with your Camaro, but you are not touching my car.”

“Whatever.” I roll my eyes. “How can you afford this car anyway? Isn’t it a company car? I mean no offense.”

I know being the PR rep of the LA Knights must mean good pay, but I’m guessing not enough to be able to buy such an expensive car as this.

“Offense taken, jackass,” she says, outraged, before she adds, “And yes, itwasa company car.”