Page 26 of Never You


I’m used to it. Being the son of a politician makes you a well-wanted subject for any story they can come up with. It’s been like this my entire life.

I’d been pretty secluded in boarding school, but as soon as I went to college, the shitstorm began, and it never really stopped. As I recall, now, eleven years later, I have knocked up about ten girls, and have been engaged at least a handful of times, but the best one has to be the story that I’m moving to Europe to lift Emily’s modeling career to another level, leaving me a devoted stay at home dad for our future children.

I laughed my ass off reading that.

Like I would ever move to fucking anywhere for any girl. Or be a stay-at-home dad—fuck no. That sounds like torture on a daily basis.

“Good morning,sleepy!” A joyful voice snaps me out of my thoughts, and I look up at the gorgeous blonde that is the source of my massive hangover. A glare forms on my face as her appearance shines brightly at me, like the sun bursting through a dark cloud.

Okay, maybe she’s not, but I’d rather blame her than take responsibility.

Sue me, I never said I was a good guy.

“What are you so chipper about?” I snarl, having no patience for her perky attitude right now.

She rolls her eyes, then glances at Bodi behind her.

“I think we took the wrong dwarf. This seems to begrumpy, but I’m pretty sure I orderedsleepy.” She cocks her head, a daring smile ghosting her lips.

Bodi chokes on his Coke, and I shoot him a menacing death stare, narrowing my eyes, then moving my attention back to blondie.


“I know, I’m hilarious,” she says dryly, then holds up two bottles of Coke. “Coke or Cherry Coke?”

“Got any Jack to go with that, baby?” I step a little closer, like I did this weekend, crowding her with my body, never shaking the need to push her buttons.

It’s like a never-ending story, but since Bodi pointed out I’m basically single, it’s a bigger challenge to not cross the line I’ve been balancing on with Rae.

To see just how far I can go with her.

Her eyes grow to slits as her eyebrows pull together. “If it’s Jack you want, I can just slice you open and you can suck it out of your blood. I’m sure there is still plenty in there. Let me put these in the car, and I’ll go fetch a knife.”

“Dark.” I nod in approval, my voice throaty. “I like it.”

She moves herself away from me with both Cokes in her hand, and I quickly snake an arm around her waist, a habit I seem to be developing when it comes to her.

I pull her back, placing her side against my chest. My face is only inches away from hers, and I’m totally in her personal space. My nostrils flare when I smell her sweet scent again, and I resist the temptation to bury my nose in her hair while sparks jolt through my body. I hold still for a second to find my words as she tenses in my arms.

Like a deer caught in headlights, her eyes are wide, waiting for my next move, as if she’s wondering if I’d go in for the kill or the kiss.

Unwillingly, my attention moves to her now parted lips, looking desirable as always.

Careful, Jensen.

“Cherry Coke, I’m in the mood for something sweet.” I softly pull the bottle out of her hands before I let go and give her a gentle push to make her walk to the driver’s seat, even though my hand is itching to pull her back against my body.

She shoots me a pissed glance as she struts away, and I keep my eyes trained on her, waiting for one of her snarky comments. When it doesn’t follow, I turn my head to my best friend with a slight grin. Bodi is softly shaking his head.

“What?”I mouth at him.

“You’re an asshole.” He smirks, peeking his head above the open door, his brown hair flopping in front of his forehead.

“Nothing new there,” I murmur, then reach over the black metal of the hood, right before she gets to the door. “Give me the keys. I’m done sleeping. I’m driving.”

She stops, tilting her head in a way that is both slightly terrifying and captivating while a fuming glare forms on her pretty face. She blinks, then leans her arms on the other side of the hood, mirroring me.