Page 15 of Never You

I move to the side to walk past him, when he grabs my arm again with force.

“Wait, we have to talk.” The abrupt action makes me drop my bag again, this time pissing me off for real.

“Can you bring her bag to the car?” Jensen picks it up, handing it out to someone behind me, and I turn around with a confused frown.

“Oh. Hey, Bodi.” I look at his best friend giving me a small wave, then he takes the bag from Jensen’s hand.

My head moves between both of them, not sure what’s going on, until Jensen holds up his hand in question.

I cock my eyebrow at him with a quizzical look. “What?”

“Keys,” he demands.

My first reaction is to make a smartass comment about how I don’t respond well to people commanding me, or how I’m notone of his sidekicks, but when I look at Bodi’s pleading brown eyes, my interest is piqued.

Bodi is definitely the better man out of the two, from what I’ve learned over the years, and I doubt he’d make a silent appeal if it wasn’t worth my while. I still shoot up my eyebrows in defiance, but my curiosity wins.

Instead of throwing a fit, I drop my keys in Jensen’s hand with a glare tugging on my lips. A fatherly sigh escapes Bodi’s throat, then he grabs the keys from Jensen’s hand.

“Be nice,” Bodi scowls at Jensen, who rolls his eyes in return, ignoring him by putting his focus back on me, that same penetrating stare slipping into place.

I watch Bodi walk toward my black SUV, a few yards away, then he opens the trunk to throw the bag in like he owns the damn thing. An amused smile crosses his face when he senses my eyes on him before he sits his ass on the tailgate and pulls out his phone, getting comfortable until we are done with whatever Jensen needs my help with.

Not really keen on doing any more damage control for one of the Knights’ notorious players, I move my gaze back to Jensen, crossing my arms in front of my body, with a slight glare.

“If this is about the brunette from Saturday, you have to take it to Penelope. I’m not on the job anymore.” I pop my hip.

“Actually,” he drawls, taking out his phone, “it’s about a blonde.”

“Really?” I grunt, annoyed, as he starts tapping on the screen, until he holds a picture in front of my face. “You had to go for another—” My breath hitches when the photo reaches my retinas. ”Fuck me.”


“Really? You had to go for another—fuck me.” She stops mid-sentence when the recognition hits.

Her eyes are full of ferocity as they move back up to meet mine, sparked with a new level of fire I haven’t seen before. I might become the second person she slaps in forty-eight hours, but her golden brown eyes keep me rooted to the spot even when I should duck for cover.

“What the actual fuck, Jensen?”

Holding my phone in the air, she takes a step closer with a furious glare, a blonde strand of her hair falling in front of her flawless face. The hairs on the back of my neck stand up when her honey-scented shampoo enters my nose, making it hard for me to concentrate.

Bad timing, Jensen.

“Who took this picture?” she growls, fumbling with the pendant around her neck.

“I don’t know,” I admit, running a hand through my messy hair. “Emily sent it to me Saturday night when I was still at theclub. Someone sent it to her, but she won’t tell me who.” I lightly shake my head.

I was up until two in the morning fighting about it, then continued my denial on Sunday. Emily was livid, telling me how she always knew I was screwing around with 'PR girl'.

God knows how she ever got that idea.

She didn’t give in this time, though. Sunday afternoon, she just kept packing, and after she walked out with her bags, I worked on finishing the bottle of scotch for the next two hours before I went into another short coma, exhausted from my own pleas.

Trying to sleep this mess away, I woke up this morning, expecting my girlfriend to be sitting in the kitchen with a scowl on her face. Like she always does. We fight, she’s pissed, sometimes she throws shit at my head, we kiss, we make up, and all is good in the world and all that shit.

But instead, I found Bodi sipping his morning coffee at the bar with a bored look in his eyes. It’s when I realized it’s only a matter of time before my mother will be hanging on the phone, nagging me with her judgment and instructions to fix shit with Emily.
