It’s hard enough I agreed to this dumb plan, and that she’s going to be running around my office every single day. How the hell am I going to keep this professional if she walks around my house every morning too?
“Oh, come on, Bodi. I won’t bother you. You won’t even know I’m there. It’s not like we’re strangers. Maybe we can even become friends.”
“Friends,” I scoff.
“You’re friends with Rae,” she counters, a little offended.
“Different situation, babe, and you know it.” Why the hell did I just call her babe? I give Agnes a side-eyed glance, and she now has a brow quirked up in question.
“Please, Bodi. I’ll be good. I promise.” I stare into her pleading gaze, knowing it’s a lost battle. My dick twitches in my jeans, not happy about either way I’m going with this. I’m not gonna send her back out to fend for herself in a city she doesn’t know, but taking her home will be a disaster waiting to happen.
I’m so toasted.
“One month.” I point my finger at her chest. “You can stay with me for one month while you look for a place of your own.”
I’ll let Agnes help her to hopefully speed up the process.
She lets out a shriek, clapping her hands. “You won’t even know I’m there.”
Yeah, I highly fucking doubt that. “And don’t be late to work because I won’t hesitate to sack you off.”
“Yeah,” she begins, carefully. “How do you feel about me catching a ride with you every morning?”
“Let’s go, Kayla.” I grunt in frustration, rolling my eyes before I spin on the spot to carry myself to the elevator.
I give this girl an inch, and I have a feeling she’ll be able to swallow me whole if I don’t watch out.
Iwill never tell him, but I did not expect him to agree to that.
In fact, I was sure he was going to drive me to the nearest hotel, and tell me to come back tomorrow. But now that he agreed, I have a million questions.
Where does he live? Is it a bachelor pad, or is it cozy and warm? Is it tidy and clean? What does he drive?
Suddenly, it’s like I’m getting an exclusive peek of the man behind the body, and I’m getting more giddy about it with each step I trot behind him.
My eyes rake over his athletic physique as I follow him back to the elevator he came out of five minutes ago. His green flannel shirt shows his broad shoulders, making my thighs clench.
It’s the same flannel I’ve seen him in last summer, walking around like a sexy lumberjack. I always thought he looked amazing, but watching him saunter around this office like he owns the place turns me the fuck on.
To be fair, he does own the place, but you wouldn’t know it if you don’t know him. He’s not your typical millionaire boss dressed in a three-piece suit. He looks hot as fuck in his casual wear, even sporting a pair of sneakers.
It surprises me.
For some reason, I thought I was going to see a different Bodi while working at KPI, but if the last few minutes are any indication, he’s exactly the same as when we met.
Deliciously hot.
Irresistible as fuck.
Which is not necessarily a good thing for me, because my mind tells me to back off and treat him like the authority that he now is supposed to be to me, while my body wants to flirt him back between my legs.
He gives me a side-eye before we step into the elevator, standing side by side.
His arms are in front of his body, keeping them to himself, yet I can feel his energy overwhelming me. It’s coming in confusing waves, one second feeling that sexual tension washing over me in overload, while the other feels like he’s regretting offering me a job in the first place.