My mind goes over anything I can say as the silence fills every square inch of the elevator, but any question seems cheesy and when the doors pop open in the building’s garage, he flies out of it like his pants are on fire.
“Well, this is going great,” I mumble before I trail after him, dragging my suitcase behind me.
The chilly air of the garage creates goosebumps on my arms as I follow him toward a red Dodge Charger.
This is his car?
Appreciating the gorgeous car, I nod my head, then shoot him an approving look when he nudges his head for me to get in.
“I thought Jensen was the one appreciating American muscle?” I ask, referring to Jensen’s black Camaro. The sexy as fuck car he won’t let me drive, even though I keep begging him.
Bodi pulls a face, a frown creasing his forehead as he grabs my suitcase from my hand. His fingers brush against mine, and automatically my lip tugs between my teeth when I sense the sweet tingle of our touch.
“If Jensen didn’t know me, he would still be driving German cars.”
Fuck,the more layers I peel back from this man, the more attractive he becomes.
“So,youare actually the one who appreciates the fine American engine and bodywork?”
He licks his lips, his eyes dropping to my mouth before he moves his gaze back up. There is a craving in his eyes that makes my heart beat faster as I do my best to keep a straight face. You know, keeping it strictly professional now that he’s my boss and all.
“Not all,” he explains, and his tone sounds somewhat seductive. “But I recognize a fine American body when I see it.” The double meaning of his words flushes my neck, and I press my teeth into my lip until it hurts, trying to control the ache in my fingers.
All I want to do is run them through his hair while I cover his mouth with mine.
Rae said I’m supposed to keep this professional and now I’m seriously regretting that.
He stares into my eyes, and I hold my breath. “Don’t do that.”
“What?” I push out a breath.
“Bite your lip like that. It makes me wanna kiss you.”
I gasp at his confession, blinking, hoping he will. I want to be reminded of how good it felt. How his tongue felt dancing against mine and how his touch felt like all my nerves came to life under his palm.
At first, I think he’s going to. He will close the distance and crash his mouth against mine, giving in to the undeniable chemistry we still seem to have.God, I hope he will. My vagina is purring at the thought alone.
But then his eyes darken, a rumble erupting from his mouth, and my heart sinks to the floor.
“And our kissing days are over.” The words are firm, cold, leaving no room for discussion. Frankly, the harsh tone they are accompanied with hurts a little, tensing my spine.
Like someone just dropped me in the North Pole with my damn bikini on.
It’s a once in a lifetime experience, but not a fun one.
He turns around, putting my suitcase in the back of his car.
I missed you too, asshole.
I get that the dynamic is different than last summer. That we have to keep things clear andprofessional, but he doesn’t have to be so fucking rude about it.
Pissed, I fold my arms in front of my body, a scowl written on my face.
“Ouch,” I say, popping my hip, though there’s more bite to my tone than disappointment as I put on my armor.
I’ve heard enough insults for a lifetime over the past year, and I’m not going to give him the chance to make me feel like shit.
He pulls the door of the driver’s side open, giving me a straight face.