Page 12 of Pucking High School

“But isn't standing by the drinks a universal sign that you want to strike up a conversation with someone?”

“No, it's not.”

I turned to look at my cousin with a raised brow. “Mhm. Are you sure because I believe I saw you talking with a hot, private school kid at that party we went to last week.”

The mere mention of him made her clamp her lips shut. Her cheeks got a little red and she tipped her chin down, suddenly getting shy on me. That was new for my quippy cousin.

I gasped, turning my body so I could completely focus on her.

“Wait a minute. Did something happen?”

She looked around as though someone might care about our conversation. They wouldn’t. We’d just gate crashed a graduation party, so no one cared about a couple of sophomores gossiping in the corner.

“Tiffany Anne Bright. You're going to tell me what happened right now, or I'm going to go through your phone history and find out myself.”

She pushed out an annoyed breath. “You won't find anything in there. He hasn't texted me since.”

“Since?” My mouth dropped and I needed information right now. “What happened and why haven’t you told me?”

“I didn’t want to talk about it.”

“But now you do? At a party.”

“You were the one that brought him up. I thought you’d forgotten about him.”

“How could I forget? It’s the first guy you’ve shown any remote interest in. So tell me more.”

She bit back a smile before saying, “He was really cute, and really nice. I thought we had a connection.”

I smiled. “Aw, so you like him?”

“What's there not to like? He was sweet, funny and-”

My eyes widened and I could barely breathe. “Tiff. Do you want him to be your boyfriend?” it was a question I didn’t think I’d be asking until college, but I was going with it.

She shook her head, and her smile fell a little. “Even if I did, it’s not going to happen. He, uh, gave me a wrong number.”

“What? Are you serious?”

“Yeah.” She waved it off, but it was obvious she was still upset by it. “It's not a big deal. These things happen all the time.”

“Not to you. You're amazing and any guy that doesn't see that, doesn't deserve you.”

“Maybe you’re right. It's just, well, I just really liked him. Like really liked him.”

Her cheeks blushed, and then it hit me like a hard stone.

“Tiff,” I said with an uneasy edge. “How far did you go with him? “

Her lips curved into an almost embarrassed smile. “We might have done a little more than kissing.”

Shit. More than kissing?

“How much more?”

She bit her bottom lip, and there was my answer.

“Tiff, did you have sex with him?”