“At a party?!”
She shook her head. “I had a drink which loosened me up and one thing sort of led to another.”
My jaw dropped, and I closed my eyes, shaking my head in disbelief because this wasn’t Tiff. “I feel like I've been thrown into another dimension because this couldn't be happening. You. Tiff Bridges. Had sex with a random guy at a party.”
“He wasn't a random guy. I liked him a lot and I really thought there was just something there. We just kind of clicked.”
“You clicked so much that you just opened your legs? After all the shit you’ve been giving me about Henry?” She pursed her lips together and didn’t answer. Probably because she finally realized how shitty that was. “I can’t believe it. You haven’t even had a boyfriend, and yet you slept with some random guy at a party?”
My brows crossed, and I studied her because I really didn't get it. I couldn't figure it out. This wasn't Tiff, and it certainly wasn't like Tiff to wait to tell me about it, either.
She closed her eyes, cringing at the thought. “I know. I know now it was a stupid mistake, but you didn't see his eyes close up. They were this pearly green color, and he had this laugh that made my heart flutter. Then, when he kissed me, I felt all theseraw emotions, and I guess one thing led to another, and it just, kind of happened.”
“You can say that again,” I muttered, trying not to be annoyed at my cousin. This was a big moment for her, but I didn’t feel excited for her. Just last month, she was berating me for thinking about having sex with Henry andI was with him for six months. She was with this dude for six minutes and thought it was a good idea to give up her goodies.
I shook my head in disbelief. “When did that even happen? I was with you the entire night.”
Tiff pushed her lips from side to side “I think it was when you were playing beer pong with that couple. What were their names? Mike and Olivia?”
“I have no idea what their names were. I was just enjoying the party. So were you, apparently.” I crossed my arms, keeping my focus on the people dancing in front of me. Something about this didn’t feel right, and I didn’t know what it was.
Tiff elbowed me in the rib. “Come on, don't be like that.”
“Like what?”
“Pissed off. I know I should have said something sooner, but I didn't know how to bring it up after everything that happened with you and Henry.”
“It’s easy. You just say, ‘hey Mads. You remember that party where I was talking to the cute guy with the slightly wide-set jaw? well, I bonked him in the bathroom when you weren’t paying attention.’”
Tiff was taken aback and blew out a humorless breath. “Honestly, I don't think I could have said it quite as eloquently as you.”
I tried to hold back my smile because I wanted to be a little annoyed with her, but I wasn't. Ultimately, Tiff’s hesitance had meant I hadn't made the worst decision of my life in actually sleeping with Henry. Tiff acted on a whim and berating her fora choice she'd already made wasn't going to make the situation better.
“How was it?” I asked, taking a sip of my drink and scanning the party, pretending I wasn’t looking at Dash. Still at the drinks station and hot as ever.
“It was good. I think.”
I raised a brow, looking at my cousin in amusement. “You think? You know, I'm obviously not an expert but if you have to think about it, I'm guessing it wasn't that great.”
“Is the first time supposed to be good, though?”
“I'll let you know when I’ve experienced it.” Reluctantly, I looked back at the crowd, feeling a little depressed about the predicament I found myself in. I couldn’t pinpoint why I was feeling this way, though. It wasn't that I was jealous of Tiff for having sex, but something about it was throwing me off. Maybe it was because I’d been so open to talking to her about having sex with Henry before and she just went and did it like it wasn’t a big deal.
“Don’t worry. It’s not like it’s going to happen again,” Tiff muttered. My shoulders slumped in sadness for my friend. She wasn't the type of girl to go after guys, so she must have really liked him.
“Who knows, it's only been a week, he might still call you back.”
“I didn’t get the opportunity to give him my number.”
“He apparently didn’t have his phone on him. I’m also ninety-nine percent certain he gave me a fake name because when I looked up Thatcher Hastings, it definitely wasn’t the guy I was talking to.”
“Tiff, that sucks.” I rested my hand on her arm and rubbed my thumb across the fabric of her shirt. She just stared at the floor.
“Who wants to play Spin the Bottle?” Sidney Wiliams yelled across the room, holding an empty vodka bottle in her hand, and parading around like it was a trophy. A few people followed her, sitting in the middle of the room to create a circle.