“I didn't want children. That was in the past.”
Rosie frowned “It was two minutes ago. You told me. All the rape and murder …”
“Yes, but two minutes ago everything was different. Pregnant?” He took a deep breath and shock went through his body like warm embers, heating every part of him. He’d always thought if anyone said they were pregnant, he'd freak out. Maybe run away. The idea of being anyone’s father was …. well, not something he’d ever thought he’d be able to manage. “Pregnant …” he said again. “You and me?”
Rosie nodded again.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean …”
“Rosie …” He had no idea what to say, but he strode over to her, cupped her face in his cold hands, and for the first time she didn’t shout at him for it. “We’re going to have a baby.”
Rosie smiled. “Well, that’s usually what happens when someone is pregnant.”
He kissed her. Now, this was a perfect memory in his perfect place.