The smile on my face widened as I pulled her into another hug.
I spent so much time worrying about whether or not I was doing this parenting thing right. If I was spending enough time with her and teaching her the right things, while still working overtime to provide for her. But moments like this – whenshewas the one remindingmeto give myself grace – made me realize that I had to be doing something right if I’d raised someone this caring and compassionate.
“I love you so much, kiddo. You know that, don’t you?” I murmured, kissing her head.
“I know. I love you too, Mom.”
“And you know Uncle Shep loves you, right?”
“Yeah, I know. He’s been kind of like another dad to me. Since Daddy went to Heaven,” she said quietly. “That’s why I knew he belonged with us. Because he loves both of us like Daddy did.”
“You’re right. He does.” I gently moved her back so I could look at her. “Look, this all happened really fast, and I’m not sure what our next step is yet, but I do promise we’ll tell you once we figure it out. Sound good?”
She nodded.
“Okay. So, I think it snowed enough last night that it’s not an ice rink outside this morning. How about we have pancakes, and then all three of us can go out and take care of Mistletoe together?”
That made her face light up like it was Christmas morning. She loved my horse almost as much as I did.
“I like that plan,” she said. “Then Clue?”
“I think that can be arranged. But no more Twister,” I chuckled.
That made her giggle and flash an ornery grin that told me she’d knownexactlywhat she was doing when she’d asked to play that game last night. Well, maybe not exactly since she was still a little too young for “the talk,” but she’d known enough to know it would give us yet another nudge in each other’s direction.
I smiled and shook my head, thankful that Harper had been brave enough to talk to me about Shephard. Thankful that I’d raised the kind of daughter that, of all the things in the world she could have wished for this holiday season, she’d wished for love – not for herself, but for me. And most of all, thankful that it was the kind of love that I already knew would last for the rest of my life.
Maybe fate really could change. Because I knew without a doubt that Shephard was part of mine now.
As I carrieda tray containing three cups of eggnog – two with spiced rum and one with just nutmeg on top – and an assortment of freshly-baked Christmas cookies out to the living room, I had to pause and just take in the amazing sight in front of me for a few seconds.
Holly and Harper were sitting on the floor in front of the Christmas tree we’d all decorated together during our snow day a couple of weeks ago, wearing matching pajamas and watchingHow the Grinch Stole Christmas.There was a huge pile of gifts under the tree, but only three were set in front of them. We were hosting the family Christmas here – well, family plus Noelle, Julian, and one-week-old Joy Kristine – tomorrow, but in keeping with Holly and Harper’s family tradition, we each got to open one present tonight.
“Okay, who wants some eggnog?” I asked as I sat down on the floor and put the tray on the floor
“Me!” Harper exclaimed.
I picked up her cup and handed it to her, then handed one of the alcoholic ones to Holly before grabbing mine and leaning back against the couch.
“Oh, my God. That’s perfect,” Holly said, licking her lips after taking a sip. “If anything happens and you need a new job, you could totally be a bartender, baby.”
I took a drink from my glass, and the perfect combination of sweet creamy goodness and spiced alcohol hit my tongue. “Holy shit, that’s good.”
“Swear jar, Uncle Shep,” Harper scolded.
I groaned and pulled my wallet out of my pocket, retrieving a dollar and handing it to her. Yes, I’d started contributing too. Because I needed to get used to the idea of actually parenting her instead of just being the cool uncle who babysat her occasionally, and part of that was reining in my language. I just wasn’t nearly as good at it as Holly was. Yet.
Harper got up and deposited my dollar into the jar, then came back and plopped down on the ground. “Can we do presents now?Please?”
Holly chuckled. “Yes. Yes, we can.”
I grabbed my gift and handed it to her. “Why don’t you go first?”