That was all the invitation she needed to tear into the small gift box that Joey’s girlfriend, Lily, had graciously wrapped for me – because my gift-wrapping skills were about on par with a kindergartener’s.
Her eyes got as big as saucers as she pulled out the sterling silver charm bracelet containing a small crown and horseshoe, each with a small sapphire on them.
“It’s so pretty!” she gushed, then launched herself at me and threw her arms around my neck, bracelet still in hand. “Thank you, Uncle Shep!”
I chuckled as I squeezed her tight and planted a kiss on her head. “You’re welcome, princess. I’m glad you like it.”
“Can I see, pumpkin?” Holly asked.
Harper pulled back from our hug and turned to her mom, handing the bracelet to her. Holly smiled and swiped at the corner of her eye as she looked at it.
“Look, they both have your birthstone,” she said as she examined the charms.
“I know. I saw.”
“Do you want me to help you put it on?”
“Yes, please.” Harper held out her wrist and let her mom fasten the chain around it.
“I figured maybe we could add to it as time goes on,” I explained. “But for now, there’s a crown for my princess and a horseshoe for her noble steed.”
“Aww,” Holly chuckled. “That’s adorable.”
I picked up Holly’s gift and handed it to her. “Your turn, Holl.”
She smiled and unwrapped her box, gasping as she pulled out the white gold necklace containing a horseshoe charm with not only a sapphire for Harper’s birth month, but also a tourmaline stone for Owen’s. Since she’d made the decision to take off her wedding and engagement rings and put them in a safe place for Harper until she was older, I wanted her to still have something she could wear as a reminder of him. I’d assured her countless times over the past couple of weeks that it was okay to talk to me about him, and I figured maybe this would help her realize that I really meant it. That I understood he was a part of her and always would be.
“Shep, it’s beautiful,” she murmured, sniffling quietly. “I love it. Thank you.”
“You’re welcome, sweetheart.” I leaned forward and gave her a chaste kiss, then took the necklace from her and fastened it around her neck, brushing my lips over her shoulder when I was done.
Holly grabbed the last gift and handed it to me. “Now you.”
I made quick work of the wrapping paper and opened a box containing a gorgeous watch that was made of a beautiful dark wood and looked hand-carved. On the back, the date of the snowstorm two weeks ago was engraved on it, with a message underneath.
The day fate changed.
I immediately took off the watch I was wearing and put it in the box, then fastened the new one around my wrist before kissing her.
“I love it, baby,” I whispered against her lips. “But not as much as I love you.”
She chuckled softly, then took a breath, like she was nervous. “I love you too. Pick up the cotton. There’s something else underneath it. From both of us.”
Grabbing the gift box, I opened it again and took my old watch out, along with the cotton lining in the box.
Sitting there in the bottom was a keyring containing a picture of me, Holly, and Harper huddled around Mistletoe’s stall, attached to a lone key. All the air left my lungs as I looked up at my girls, who were both smiling at me.
“I know you’ve been here most nights anyway because of my carriage gig, but Harper and I have been talking, and we’d like to ask you something,” Holly started, then gently nudged her daughter.
“Will you move in with us, Uncle Shep? For real?”
Pure joy clogged my throat as I pulled both of them into my arms for a group hug, first kissing Harper’s head and then turning to Holly and giving her a soft kiss.
“My home is wherever you girls are,” I managed to say as I swallowed the lump in my throat.
Harper looked up at me with a grin. “Does that mean yes?”
“Yes, princess. That absolutely means yes,” I chuckled.
I still couldn’t quite believe how much had changed in just two short weeks. But right now, in this perfect moment, my heart was filled to overflowing. And the best part was, I knew this was the beginning of the rest of my life.