Page 91 of My Vows Are Sealed

“She will. I told you, she already loves you just because she knows how important you are to me,” she insisted. “You’re my family, Darla. And family helps each other, no matter what.”

My chest tightened and a lump rose in my throat, but I refused to let myself cry. If I started crying again, I knew I’d never stop.

How was it that my own father was the one causing me so much pain and my mother was too weak to stop him, while the people who were stepping up to help me had no obligation to whatsoever? I guessed it just went to show that, at the end of the day, blood wasn’t what made a family. A family was built on love and commitment and dedication to one another. And mine was right here.

Chapter 25


Tenderness on the Block

Icould barely keep my eyes open as Kate drove toward the local used bookstore after school on Tuesday. As sweet as her mom, Annie, was, it had still felt beyond awkward to just show up at her house with a duffel bag, and to have someone I didn’t even know tell me I was welcome there for as long as I needed. And between being in an unfamiliar environment and being terrified to be alone, I’d gotten maybe an hour’s worth of sleep last night.

“We’ll go in first,” Kate said as she pulled into a parking spot and took the key out of the ignition. “I saw a picture of your dad on the church’s website, so I know what he looks like. Then I’ll text you if the coast is clear.”

I sighed in relief and nodded, and she handed me her keyring.

“Lock the doors as soon as we get out,” Ashton told me. “And make sure you lock the car when you come inside.”

“Okay,” I yawned.

Ashton got out of the backseat and Kate got out of the driver’s seat. As soon as they shut their doors behind them, I hit the lock button, and they started to walk inside. A knot formed in my stomach and I got more and more nauseous by the second as I realized that, once again, I was left completely alone. Between Kate, Ashton, Naomi, and Brendan, I hadn’t been alone very much since everything happened with my dad. I didn’t know why I got so anxious when someone else wasn’t with me, but I couldn’t make it stop, no matter what I did.

A sound similar to a smoke alarm made me jump in my seat as my chest tightened, and it took me a few seconds to realize that it was just the text notification on my cell phone. Taking a few deep breaths and willing my heart rate to slow, I pulled the blue rectangle out of my purse and looked at the message.

Kate: I don’t see him. I think you’re good.

Me: K thanks.

Kate: Deep breaths. We’re not going anywhere.

I let out a sigh of relief, and a whimper escaped my throat as I tried to blink back my tears. So many emotions were flooding through my head right now, I didn’t even know how to begin to process them. I was scared, sad, confused, relieved, and angry all at once.

Getting out of the car, I hit the button to lock the door and forced myself to focus on my breathing as I walked toward the entrance to the bookstore. When I opened the door and glanced around for my mom, I almost missed her because she was wearing a huge, dark pair of sunglasses and hunched over in a corner. Before I could walk over to her, my phone chimed again, and once again my heart leapt into my throat at the unexpected sound. As I pulled it out of my purse, I took another deep breath to calm my nerves while checking the message.

Brendan: Breathe, baby. I can see you and your mom, even though you can’t see me.

Me: What are you doing here?

Brendan: You didn’t really think I’d let you come alone, did you?

Me: Kate and Ash already had that covered.

Brendan: They’re not me.

Brendan: I’m over by the cookbooks. Find me when you’re done with your mom.

Me: K.

Slipping my phone back into my purse, I walked over to my mom. As soon as I was within arm’s reach, she pulled me into her arms and squeezed tight, a sob escaping her lips.

“Darla,” she sniffled. “Oh, sweetheart.”

I swallowed down the lump in my throat, determined to make it through this without crying. I still wasn’t sure how to put a label on the mixed feelings I was harboring toward her. It had scared me to death when I heard her screams after she stopped my dad, but I couldn’t understand why she was still with him. Why was she keeping me away from my home instead of kicking him out? Why hadn’t she left him and taken me with her a long time ago?

“Hi, Mom,” I mumbled.

“I’m so sorry, honey,” she choked out. “I’m sorry about everything.”