Page 31 of My Vows Are Sealed

New Math


“Abe, she’ll be going with Naomi,” my mom said, giving me a weak smile. “We’ve known the Rhees for years. She’ll be safe.”

“You know what happens at those dances, Gloria,” my dad argued. “Kids make promises to fornicate at the homecoming dance all the time!”

Um, I was pretty sure that waspromnight, not homecoming. Not to mention, I would’ve had to actually have a boyfriend to make that kind of promise. And we all knew that would only happen over my father’s dead body.

Lately, I’d started hating his no dating rule even more than I did before, basically because I sort of had a suspicion that if Brendan thought I would say yes, he would have asked me out.

But he knew as well as I did that there was no way in hell Icouldsay yes. I wasn’t about to go behind my dad’s back, because that was just asking for trouble. Iknewhe’d find out, and if the past three weeks had been any sort of indication, I didn’t even want to think about what the punishment would be if he found out I was dating. Catching me just getting a friendly hug from a boy was enough to make him blow a gasket.

“Dad, I just want to go hang out with Naomi and Heather. That’s all,” I half-lied. “And they’re going to homecoming.”

It wasn’t a complete lie. Iwasgoing to end up hanging out with Naomi…and Kate and Ashton and Brendan. And who knew? Heathercouldshow up too.

“I think she’s learned her lesson over the past few weeks,” my mom told him. “I’ll personally go with her to get a dress so we can make sure it’s appropriate, and you know I’ve been showing her how to do modest makeup. Okay?”

My dad sighed. “Fine. But you arenotallowed to leave Naomi’s side for the whole dance, and you are to be back home by eleven o’clock. Understand?”

I was too stunned to respond for a second. Had my father actually just agreed to let me go to homecoming? Really?

But then when my mom smiled, it hit me. I was going to my very first dance!

I squealed and threw my arms around my dad’s neck. “Thank you, Dad! I promise, I’ll be on my very best behavior.”

“You’d better be,” he said flatly as he wrapped just one arm around me. “Now, go get ready for church. We’re running late.”

I let go of him and, with another squeal, dashed to my bedroom to change into my church clothes.

For the first time in almost a month, things were finally looking up. I was going to my first dance on SaturdayandI was finally allowed to help with the kids’ service again. I was so excited to see all of the kids at church again, but I was especially excited to see the adorable blond-haired, blue-eyed little boy who had stolen my heart from the second I’d met him when he was just a week old.

* * *

“Darla!” Nathan squealed, breaking into a run, as he and his mom walked into the children’s room. “You’re back!”

I crouched down and held my arms open, and he happily ran into them. As I squeezed him tight, a rush of emotion overtook me, so intense that I almost cried. I’d missed this little guy so much over the past few weeks. Brendan had always made sure to sneak him into the youth room every Sunday so I could get a hug, but that was over so fast that it didn’t really count.

“Yeah, I’m back,” I chuckled. “I missed you, little man. Want to color a little bit before Mr. Peter starts the lesson?”

“Yeah!” he exclaimed excitedly.

I set him up in a chair with a couple of coloring sheets and a box of crayons, and he started going to town. And it was only then that I realized someone else was missing.

I looked toward the door, wondering where Nathan’s big brother was. Usually, Brendan was the one who brought Nathan in here, and he just stayed here. I hardly ever even saw Miss Ruth anymore.

“Oh, Brendan will be in soon,” Miss Ruth said, like she was reading my mind. “He and Heather are just outside, talking about what time he’s picking her up for homecoming on Saturday.”

I felt like someone had sucker-punched me in the gut. My stomach dropped to the floor, bile rose in my throat, and my eyes stung with tears that I refused to allow to shed. Not here. Not now.

“I’m so happy,” Miss Ruth gushed, her lips spreading into a grin that almost looked…smug. Was that right? “Brendan and that sweet girl have been friends for so long. I’m so glad they’re finally taking the next step.”

I forced a smile. “Yeah, she is sweet. I’m happy for them.”

That wasn’t necessarily a lie. Iwashappy for Brendan, because I wantedhimto be happy. And if Heather would make him happy, that was all that mattered.

Miss Ruth looked at Nathan, then back at me. “I’ll see you after the service.”