"I’m heading off to work," Zariah threw over her shoulder. "Try not to get into too much trouble, sluts."
"Thanks, Zariah," I threw behind my shoulder before I closed the bedroom door.
Kassie could barely stand the moment I set her down next to the bed but I was quick about it, rifling through her dresser until I found one of my shirts, and placed my hand on her hip, gently turning her around until she faced the bed.
The zipper slowly ran down her back, exposing her soft skin to the lamplight.
I worked faster than she did and eased the dress off of her, turning her back to face me. Kassie was completely naked. Myfingers twitched against the shirt and I couldn’t help but drink her in. Everything I’d dreamed of didn’t compare. The dip of her hips, so easy to wrap my hands around, her perfect breasts, rising and falling with every breath she took, I just wanted to touch her. I just wanted to make sure she was real.
And then my eyes flickered to the bruise on her wrist.
I’d never been an angry person. Not really. That changed with the frat party. I’d never experienced that flash of red-hot anger before, the kind that burns inside of you so hot, there’s nothing else to focus on. And now…this.
Henry Miller had to answer for it.
Kassie’s fingertips grazed over my jaw and she tilted me down, reaching up to kiss me. It was the only thing to put out the fire. I placed both of my hands on either side of her, resting on the blankets, and captured her lips again, kissing her harder, my last kiss before I had to go.
Almost my last kiss.
I broke away and slipped the shirt over her. The less I could see of her body, the more I could concentrate. Before I could put her into bed though, I picked up her wrist and gently kissed the bruise.
"I’m sorry."
"For what?" Kassie gave me a sleepy grin while I pulled back the covers. "Trust me, you won the bruise competition with all these hickeys. No challengers in sight."
I didn’t say anything and her smile softened.
"Ryan, I’m teasing you."
"I know."
Once her head hit the pillows, she was out like a light. I wanted nothing more than to take up space in her bed and wrap myself in her again. But there was something I needed to do.
Outside of Roman Forest, Adam had moved places and relaxed in the passenger seat while King raised his eyebrows atme from the back. He didn’t need to ask. I knew what he wanted to know.
Adam batted his eyelashes the moment I opened the door. "Carry me inside, Ryan-cakes?"
"Thanks for waiting, guys."
"The two of you make me sick." The lever on the side of his seat pushed down and the linebacker stretched back as far as he could, placing his hands on his stomach. "Ruining our image. Who’s going to think we’re playboys with you fawning over her all the time? I can’t go on one date without some chick asking me about one of your ‘our first shared tissue together’ posts."
"He’s just jealous." King snickered.
Adam rolled his eyes. "If I could block you without Cleo yelling at me, I would.”
It was quiet in the car for a moment while I drove up to Roman Villa and I drove up to the curb, my fingers twitching over the steering wheel.
King grunted from the back seat. He wanted to know.
"A guy hurt Kassie," I informed them.
Both my teammates froze in their seats and Adam reached down for the lever, jerking up the seat. King’s eyes burned into the rearview mirror. I opened the driver’s door and closed it behind me. I could only leave it behind for ten minutes but I’d be back in five.
The doors to my car shoved open and the guys jogged after me.
“Captain!” Adam matched my stride. “What the hell are you talking about?”
“A guy hurt Kassie.”