Adam roared with laughter. "You’d actually have to fuck people to discover that, King!"
"Mattresses don’t count, babycakes."
King dove for Adam and grabbed him around the neck, digging his knuckles in Adam’s hairline while Adam shoved him off, laughing the whole time.
"You know what?" Kassie folded her arms over her chest. "That’s too much for me. I don’t want to know any of this guy stuff. I prefer the mystery."
"It’s too late, art girl." I brought my arm down from the back of the booth and wrapped it around her shoulders. "You’re already roped in."
Kassie gave me a long look. "I revoke my membership card."
"Non-refundable," I told her. "You can’t get out of it."
King gave a solemn nod in agreement and Kassie laughed again. It felt so fucking good watching that.
"Boss captain," Adam told me, chewing on the bacon he stole from my plate. "Bruise looks shit by the way."
Adam was so busy, he didn’t notice the way Kassie and I tensed in the booth. I stole a quick look down at her. All thehickeys were covered. Not one of them shone through. What could he see that I didn’t?"
"Because I really should thank you," Adam admitted. "Thanks again."
The huge bruise on my face.Right.
We both breathed out a sigh of relief, but when Kassie looked up at me, a grin tugged on my lips. I didn’t start laughing, she did, and then we were both bent over the table, laughing so hard together, my sides ached.
Adam stopped chewing. "Was it something I said?"
What Guy Would Be Stupid Enough?
Sunday, no practice, no actual obligations until team photos in the afternoon, it was a golden opportunity I didn’t intend to miss out on. I mulled over plans we sped off to her apartment. Kassie’s music played over the radio.
Adam and King sat in the back and Adam wouldn’t stop asking why we were listening to movie soundtracks. I could answer that question. Just notwhatthey were doing in the car too. I didn’t want Kassie to ask either.
"I’m not even tired," she sighed.
"Yes, you are." I slipped out of the front seat once the car eased to the curb. Usually, I had to make good time to open her door before she tried to beat me to it, but after breakfast and after the car ride, Kassie could barely keep her eyes open anymore. Students stepping out of the apartment were staring.And right in the middle of them, I saw Zariah, folding something blue in her hand.
I nodded. "Morning!"
"Captain?" Adam called from the window. "You locked the door."
"I’ll be right back."
Zariah couldn’t keep the grin off her face. "Kassie, I can’t imagine why you’re sotired. And your neck? Girl, it looks so…normal!"
Grumbling under her breath, Kassie stumbled up the first couple of steps but that wasn’t an option. I slid between the two of them and placed an arm under Kassie’s legs. It was so easy to pick her up. And it just felt…right.
I was still expecting her to demand to put me down but she didn’t say anything. "Nothing?"
"Sleepy," she mumbled, pressing her face against my chest.
The disapproving receptionist was there with a frown but he couldn’t say shit while Zariah let me in. Their roommates gawked as soon as we entered the dorm. There were bits of paper on the ground and a canister of glitter had exploded in the corner but at least now it was liveable.