I showmy phone to Nick, and he laughs. “So you couldn’t just let her surprise you, huh? It is very generous of her, but that’s how parents are.” He shrugs casually, looking over the menu, like my mom didn’t just give us a house.

“Nicholas, we can’t take it,” I say, not sure how to handle this. My mom has given up so much to give me the life I have, and I really don’t want her to be out the money she put into the house.

“Then we sell the house and give her back her share,” he says, and I take a deep breath. Everything is always so easy and casual with him. It’s actually really great. He balances us out perfectly.

“And then what?”

“Lis, come on, let’s just enjoy this day and worry about all this later,” Nick says, taking my hand and pressing a kiss to each knuckle.

I tilt my head to the side, waiting for him to realize, I can’t just let it go. That’s not who I am. Right now, I need everything to fall into place without having to juggle drama.

“Okay, I have a plan, but it’s totally up to you,” Nick starts, smiling. “We can sell the house and give Judy her half back, and then we can buy our own house. Or we can just stay and use the money I have from my contract to pay Judy back.”

“Thank you,” I say, kissing him. “I just needed to know our options. Now I can relax.”

“You are very easy to please,” Nick jokes, just as Max and Harper walk in.

Harper’s belly has really popped, and she waves when she sees us. “We need to get a picture of us together,” she calls out as she approaches the table. She puts her hand on her belly, calling me over with a wave of her hand, telling Max to get a picture of us.

I walk over to her, stopping a little bit shy of where Nick and I are sitting. “Look at you!” I shriek, putting a hand on her cute little stomach.

“Look at you!” she squeals back, her hand on my stomach now as Max gets a few pictures.

“Okay, look at me,” Max says, getting a few more before we all sit down. “So, what’s this all about?” he adds, looking at Nick.

“We’ve got some good news.”



It’s been two weeks since Gerry called with the news about my contract, but it’s been two full on weeks where I’ve barely had a moment to breathe. I’d given Gemma her interview, not holding back on everything that had happened to me. I knew the story was dropping soon, but I wasn’t worried. I’m glad something is being done about it all. My career might be over, but that didn’t mean I wanted anyone else to go through what I’ve gone through.

“How’s the knee?” Lis asks as she walks into the living room, dropping onto the couch beside me. I’d also had the second surgery on my knee last week, knowing I needed to get the extra damage that had been caused by jumping too soon fixed sooner or later. It wasn’t like I’d be skiing anytime soon anyway, and I just wanted to get it done.

With a grin I hoist her over so she’s sitting in my lap. “It’s good,” I reply, leaning in to kiss her neck as my hand moves to her tiny bump.

“Not too sore?” Lis asks, looping her arms around my neck.

“Not sore at all,” I murmur, kissing a path to her jaw. “But something about this certainly feels familiar,” I add, shifting Lis so she’s straddling me, my right leg in a brace and propped up on the coffee table.

She smirks, her arms resting on my shoulders as she looks down at me. “Certainly wasn’t what I was expecting when I showed up at your house that day you came back,” she says, her fingers playing with my hair.

“Didn’t exactly put up much of a fight though, did you?” I tease, my lips brushing hers.

Lis laughs. “Of course not. I still wanted you so bad.”

Chuckling, I slip my hands around to her ass, gripping it hard as I pull her closer. “I want you more and more, with every day, Lis,” I whisper. “I can’t ever get enough of you.”

“Yeah, I’ve kinda noticed,” she says, before closing the distance between us and kissing me.

I groan, my grip on her ass tightening as I grind her against me, lifting my hips a little as I press my hard-on against her. “You’re just so fucking gorgeous, Lis,” I murmur against her mouth. “I can’t resist.”

She smiles, sliding her hand down my chest and over my stomach before she slips it into the front of my track pants. Just as she grips my dick though, a knock sounds at the front door.

“Fuck, ignore it,” I groan.

Lis laughs, pulling her hand from my track pants. “We can’t ignore it; you know Ethan said he was dropping by.”