“I look forward to working with Nick since he’s still under contract with Holden Winter Gear,” Gerry adds. “And I can’t wait to meet the future skiing legend. Wonder if that kid of yours will be a downhill racer or jumper?” Gerry chuckles again. “Best of luck to both of you.”

He hangs up before I can thank him again, even if he doesn’t want to take credit for it. Just having him on our side was a good thing. He was willing to do what needed to be done to help Nick out, and for that I’m grateful.

“Oh my god,” I say, my hand covering my mouth. “It’s over. We did it.” I lean forward, reaching out for Nick, I pull him into my arms.

“You did it, Lis,” he corrects, and it makes me smile. “There is no one else in the world who would have done what you did to help me. You put yourself out there, calling that reporter and finding a way out of this that no one else thought of.”

“Nicholas O’Connor, you are so damn cheesy, but you’re right, I would do anything for you.” I rest a hand on his cheek, bringing his face to mine, I kiss him softly.

“Thanks, Lis for taking me back, for believing in me, for always being my ride or die,” Nick says, before leaning in to kiss me again.

“Nick, I can’t imagine my life without you, and now we get to stay here and raise our baby together.” I stop, furrowing my brow a little, and Nick cocks his head to the side, watching me.


“What happens now?” I ask. “We live with my mom and we’re going to have a baby in a few months.”

“Oh, Elissa O’Connor, can’t you just relax and enjoy this moment?” Nick teases, pulling me down on top of him as he lays in the bed. “I have some things in the works so don’t worry.”

“What are you keeping from me?”

“Nothing, babe,” he replies, winking. “Now why don’t we celebrate this win by rocking our baby to sleep?”

“You are insatiable,” I say, wiggling against him.

“Oh, and you’re not?”

A few hours later,we’re heading over to Badger Creek to grab some lunch at The Matterhorn, meeting up with Max and Harper to share the good news with them.

As we’re walking in, I get a text from my mom. I had sent her a text letting her know about Nick’s contract and how things are good now, but it has taken her a bit to respond. I know she’s at work, but I really would have thought she would have responded sooner. I don’t need any more drama in my life and of course her delayed response has made me a little nervous.

Mom:Oh Elissa, that’s wonderful news. Tell Nick I said congrats. We can celebrate when I get home from work. I also need to talk to you about something.

As soon asI read her message, my heart sinks to my feet. What the fuck? She has to talk to me about something? That can’t be good, and she knows I’m on edge lately. Between the pregnancy and Nick’s contract, she should know better.

Me:MOM!!! Don’t do that to me! What do you need to talk to me about!!??

I turn to Nick,showing him my phone and all he does is smile. I give him a hearty smack on the arm, hating that he can just read that message and not think the worst.

“Nick, do you know what she wants to talk to me about?” I beg, desperation in my voice. “Fuck, please tell me she isn’t sick again.”

“She’s not, babe. All is good, promise,” Nick replies, slinging an arm around my shoulders, he pulls me close, kissing the top of my head.

“Why do you know, but I don’t?” I ask, whining as Nick holds the door to The Matterhorn open for me.

“She wants it to be a surprise. She ran the idea by me last night and I promised her I wouldn’t tell you. It’s good, though. Don’t worry.”

Mom:Sorry, sweetie. It’s nothing bad. I’m healthy and happy and I’m so excited that Nick will be here with you to raise the baby.

Me: You’re not getting off that easy. Just tell me. I’m not in the mood for surprises!

Nickand I head over to an empty booth, sitting down while I continue texting my mom, hating her idea of a surprise. I’m over surprises. The only good one has been the baby so far.

Mom:Fine, fine. I’m going to be moving in with Steve and you and Nick can have the house or you can sell it and take the money. Whatever you want. You happy now?

Me: OMG, MOM! That is way too generous. We both put the money in for the house. I can’t do that.

Mom: Think of it as a gift for the baby.