“No secrets. Just a quickie wedding and then we do the whole party thing with all our family and friends when I’m back and out of this fucking contract,” Nick says, planning it all out in his head.

“Did you tell your parents and your brother and sister that you were planning to propose to me?”

“I did, Lis, so don’t make me look like a fool and say no,” Nick jokes. He leans over, his hand slipping around to the back of my neck, he pulls me to him. His lips connect with mine in a soft, sweet kiss. “What do you say, babe? Marry me today?”

“Like a fresh start to the new year?” I question. “Starting over.” He leaves on the first so it feels fitting, and then we can celebrate New Year’s Eve with our friends as a married couple, letting them all know and telling them we plan to have an actual wedding later.

“I’m not sure I’d say starting over, but more like starting again,” Nick clarifies, the smile on his face is so big that I wouldn’t dare say no. I want this too. It’s perfect.

“I love that, and I love you,” I reply, kissing him again.

“So is that a yes?” Nick pulls back, his brown eyes shining as he waits for my response. I’ve dreamed about this day since I was fifteen and here it is.


I take in a deep breath. We have one day before New Year’s Eve and then he leaves the next day. I can’t think of a more perfect way to spend our last days together. Getting married and then being with our friends is exactly how I want this to be.

“Then let’s do this, Elissa Green,” Nick says, hopping out of the car. He rushes over to open the door for me, which only makes me laugh.

“Please tell me you aren’t going to be the guy who opens my car door for me now,” I tease, and he stops, resting his hand on my stomach.

“Just today,” he replies, laughing. “I love that our baby is at our wedding. Not a lot of people can say that.”

“Could you be any cheesier?” I tease, pushing up on my toes to kiss him.

“Alright, my soon-to-be-wife, let’s go get married.”



“With the power granted to me by the State of California, I now pronounce you husband and wife.”

I turn to the guy standing before us and he gives me a smile and a small nod, before adding, “Yes, you may kiss your bride.”

I turn back to Elissa, unable to wipe the smile off my face. The smile I know mirrors the one on hers. And without waiting for a single second longer, I let go of her hands and wrap my arms around her as I pull her close and kiss her deeply.

Our wedding day might be a last minute, spur of the moment decision, and it might be unconventional given we’re both dressed casually in jeans and sweaters, none of our friends or family present, but I don’t care.

Because the only person who matters is here.


My wife.

“I love you so much, Lis,” I murmur against her lips, before kissing her again.

Lis smiles as she whispers, “I love you too,” her arms looped around my neck as she returns the kiss, our bodies pressed together, both of us completely oblivious to the people watching us, the people waiting for their turn to get married.

When we eventually pull back, the guy who served as both our witness and cameraman, hands me back my iPhone. “Got some good shots,” he says with a grin. “Congratulations.”

I pocket my phone, my arm still wrapped around Elissa, not wanting to ever let her go. “Thanks, appreciate it,” I tell him, before looking down at Lis. “What do you say, wife? Wanna get out of here?”

Lis smiles, hooking her arms around my waist as she says, “Absolutely, husband.”

Outside on the street,I grab Elissa, swinging her around, her laughter filling the busy street. Without putting her down, I hold her close, my lips finding hers again. “This is the best day of my life.”

“Mine too,” she says, smiling against my lips.