“Yep,” I say, smiling. “Harper and I are due just a few weeks apart, based on the calculator I used online, but who knows if that’s accurate.” I let out a small laugh, wondering if it really is correct. “It’s going to be babies all over Badger Creek.”

“Come on in,” Jeff says, flagging us in and walking toward the kitchen. “Let’s see if we can get this contract issue taken care of and get you back here.”

“Sounds good,” Nick replies, as we both find the lawyer at the kitchen table, some papers spread out in front of him.

“Nick and Elissa, this is Gerry Giancola, the Holden lawyer, and one of the best,” Jeff says, introducing us.

“This family keeps me quite busy,” Gerry jokes. “It’s nice to meet both of you, now let’s get to this contract.”

“Is there anything you can do?” I immediately ask, still so damn worried about the money situation. Nick and I can’t possibly ever pay back what is owed if he breaks his contract.

“So here’s the deal,” Gerry starts and it already doesn’t sound good. “I’m going to recommend you go back to the team, only because if you don’t, you’re in breach of your contract and then we can’t move forward with anything. It’s cut and dry. You don’t go back, you break the contract.”

“Okay,” Nick says, nodding a little, but this is not what either of us wants to hear.

“But there are few things we can do once you’re back. We want to push them to be the one to breach the contract, and there are some ways that will happen. Your injury being one of them. Requesting you to return before your treating physician releases you is a big deal, but unfortunately they have a clause regarding that. The team doctor is the one who makes the final decision about your return,” Gerry says, and that feels like bullshit.

“Yeah, I saw that too,” Nick says. “It’s not cool.”

“It’s not, but there’s nothing we can do about that. So return to training and give me a few days to really comb through this. I have a buddy who does contract law, so I’m going to sit down with him and see what he can do.”

“I wish I would have never signed the contract,” Nick mutters, and I shake my head, annoyed at his comment. Hindsight is always twenty-twenty and that’s the way he’s feeling right now.

“How were you supposed to know you were going to get hurt? They dangled more money than you’ve ever seen in front of you, and you took it. Any of us would have,” I say, looking at Jeff and he nods in agreement.

“Don’t worry, Nick,” Jeff says. “We’ll get this taken care of. You never have to worry about your contract and your sponsorship with Holden. You’re family to us and we take care of family.”

Nick and I thank Gerry and Jeff for their time, and head back to the car. It’s not the outcome we wanted, but we both understand that it won’t be that simple. The team wants Nick there because he can make them a ton of money. Not just from his jumping but from all the sponsorships and advertising and everything that comes with being an Olympic athlete. It is what it is, and we have to deal with that.

“That’s not what I was hoping for,” Nick says, when we get in the car and the doors close. “I really wanted him to find some loophole and I was just going to get to be here with you and the baby.”

“I know, but that’s not realistic, Nick. Just do what Gerry says so that nothing can come back on you. Let him do what he can, and you’ll be back here soon.”

“You realize I have to leave on New Year’s Day, right?” Nick asks, and I nod. It’s been a date that I don’t even want to think about. It’s the date when most people start new, but we’ll be starting over with both of us in different places. Me here at Badger Creek and Nick in Park City.

“Yeah, so I guess we should spend New Year’s Eve together then,” I say, smiling, almost like a joke because we would have spent it together anyway.

“What? Did you plan to spend it with someone else? Who did you plan on kissing, Elissa Green?” Nick teases.

“Just you.”

“Got anything going on for the rest of the day?” Nick asks, knowing I took the day off to be with him for the contract meeting. Neither of us were sure how long it would take, but we should have known it wouldn’t take all day.

“Nope, nothing. How about you?” I ask as Nick turns onto a street that leads away from his parents’ house. “Where are we going?” I now ask, looking over at Nick, a huge smile on his face.

“I have some plans,” he replies, coyly. “Are you down for a little surprise, Lis?”

“I guess that depends on what kind of surprise it is,” I tell him, wondering what he’s up to. He made no mention of doing anything after our meeting, so if he was trying to keep it a secret, he did a great job.

“I did a little research, and did you know that in the state of California, we can get married the same day? No need to go to Vegas,” Nick tells me, taking my hand in his, he runs his finger over the ring I’m wearing.

“Nicholas, are you suggesting we get married today?” I ask him, narrowing my eyes, but loving the idea.

“I am. I stopped by your house last week and got your birth certificate and asked your mom permission. She said yes, by the way.”

“Oh, you really thought ahead. So are we keeping this a secret like we did when we first got back together? Obviously, my mom knows. How about your parents? And our friends?”

Nick laughs, pulling into the courthouse parking lot. It’s filled with cars, and I can’t imagine we can just walk up and ask to be married and they’ll do it, but I’m down for it.