Page 9 of Give Me All Of You

“It’s JaRue,” I responded as his hand landed on top of mine to stop me from picking up the gas nozzle.

“Let me get that for you, and a date.” He flashed a smile, and I saw that his bottom row of teeth were dripped in diamonds and gold.

“Thank you for pumping the gas, but I’ll have to pass on the date.”

He placed his hand on his chest and feigned hurt.

“Damn, shorty. Just shoot me down then. It’s like that?”

“I’m sorry. I don’t date, but I do appreciate the gas. I can even pay you back.” I reached inside of my purse to get $40 so I could give him for paying for my has and Infiniti’s snacks.

“Nah. It’s all good. I’m pretty sure I’ll be seeing you around again.” With that, he smirked and swaggered off. I shook my head at the impure thoughts that were running rampantinside of my head. I may have turned down his offer to take me out, but I’m pretty sure he would be imbedded inside of my mind for a while.


I don’t know why I let Journei drag me outside tonight. This line was wrapped around the building, and I didn’t have time to be standing outside in these damn heels. Even though this club belonged to the Richmonds. I was going to stand in this line like everybody else. The way it was crowded, you would think that they had Chris Brown, or somebody was in the building. It was typical though because his cousin Kyan ran this particular location, and it was in the heart of the city. If you wanted a grown and sexy vibe with a laid back atmosphere, then you were in the right spot.

Surprisingly, the line moved quickly, so we didn’t have to stand out there long. Once we made it inside, I followed Journei straight to the bar. I wasn’t surprised because that was the sole purpose for us coming out tonight. When we got to the bar area, we both took a seat and waited for the bartender to come and take our drink orders.

“See, aren’t you glad you came out tonight?” She looked at me with a silly as smirk on her face.

“We literally just sat down and that’s it. I can hardly judge the night by only walking into the place, Journei.”

Shaking my head, I gave my attention to the bartender, who approached us. She was pretty and her cropped off t-shirt was tight and displayed her toned stomach and pierced belly button. I wonder if Kyan’s girlfriend had a problem with all thepretty women that worked here. After giving her my order for a Mexican Mule, along with an extra shot on the side, I turned my attention to the crowd.

“Them Richmonds really got that bag,” Journei voiced. “You sure you can’t hook me up with one?”

“I told you they were all attached. I’m not getting in the middle of that.” I side-eyed her.

The bartender brought our drinks back, and we downed our shots before sipping on our drinks. By the time we took our second round of shots, I had loosened up some. That was until I felt someone close to me. When I turned around, I noticed the guy from the gas station standing in my space. He looked even sexier than he did earlier. He was now in front of me donning a creamed colored GIVENCHY shirt that had the signature going across the right chest area. He paired the shirt with a pair of fitted but not tight dark distressed jeans and a pair of matching GIVENCHY sneakers on his feet. He wore a gold Cuban Link necklace along with a smaller, yet longer one that had an ‘AB’ pendant on it dripped in diamonds. He still had on those glasses that only added to his sex appeal, and his hair was still in the same four braids. When I heard his voice rumble, it broke the trance that I was currently in.

“It seems like fate wants us to get to know each other better.” He smiled and I swear I melted right on this damn stool.

“I wouldn’t say all that.” I finally found my voice. I heard Journei clear her throat next to me and I glanced her way, and she still had that stupid grin on her face.

“Uhm…” my voice trailed off because I realized I didn’t know this man’s name and here he was in my presence for the second time.

“Hassan,” he asserted.

“Okay, Hassan. This is my best friend, Journei. Journei, this is Hassan. I met him earlier at the gas station.”

“And she shot me down after I asked her pretty ass out on a date.”

I blushed at his words.

“She’ll go. I’ll make sure of it,” Journei blurted out.

“Bitch!” I snapped my neck toward her, glowering at her like she was crazy. She had to be sitting here acting as if she was my damn pimp. I heard Hassan chuckle, and that brought my attention back to him.

“How about we start off by me inviting you to my VIP section to chill with me and my associates,” he suggested.

“I-I don’t know about that. I don’t even know you,” I uttered.

“That’s the purpose of the invite, sweetheart. Consider this my payback.”

“You said I didn’t owe you anything,” I countered.

“I don’t want your money, and you don’t owe me anything. I just want some of your time, beautiful.” The way he spoke had me placing my hand in his massive one as he led me and Journei upstairs to his VIP area where he would be for the rest of the night. Once we got to the top of the stairs, I was taken aback by how beautiful the area was decorated. Tan couches and chairs adorned the space, while different shades of brown and splashes of gold brought out the ambience of the area. There was a separate bar area and off toward the back, an area that looked like it was a private elevator or something. Journei and I have been here a few times but never up here. I was thoroughly impressed. Hassan led us to the area where the couches were and I almost fainted when I saw my bosses sitting there. I know I looked like a deer caught in headlights because I felt like one.