Page 10 of Give Me All Of You

“Wassup, Rudy Rue?” Knight smirked at me as Hassan led me to an empty seat.

“Uhm, hey, Knight,” I spoke back.

Hassan looked between the two of us before he took a seat next to a guy that had similar features as him.

“Y’all know each other?” he eyed the two of us.

“What you going to do if we do?” Knight challenged as he passed Kyan the blunt.

“Man, I’m not doing this with you. I already let Knas know I wasn’t dealing with yo’ crazy ass,” Hassan countered with a stoic look on his face.

“Nigga, loosen up. Rue works for us. She’s good people, so you better not fuck her over or I got a brand new incinerator to test out on your ass.” The look on his face let me know he was serious, and I appreciated it. Ignoring Knight, Hassan looked at me and introduced me to the guy that was sitting opposite him.

“Rue, this is my brother, Rakeem. Bro, this is Rue and her friend, Journei.”

“Nice to meet you ladies,” he greeted, letting his eyes linger on Journei a little longer.

“Likewise,” I countered.

After all introductions were made, we actually had a good time with the fellas. Hassan seemed pretty cool, and I eventually loosened up around him.

“So, when you going to let me take you out?” He leaned in and whispered in my ear.

Before I could answer, our conversation was cut short by the last person I expected to see.

“Really Haze? You’re up here with the next bitch like you weren’t just in my pussy a few nights ago?”

Kari stood in front of us with her arms folded under her breasts like she was ready to pounce on somebody. What she didn’t know was that I’ve been waiting to beat her ass again, so she better tread fucking lightly.

Chapter Five


Seeing Kari stand in front of me like she was checking some shit pissed me off more than I wanted it to. She was standing here acting like she just caught me cheating or some shit, when I was as single as a nigga that lived with his baby mama. I put my head down in an attempt to calm my nerves before I threw this damn girl over the railing of the section we were in.

“And you,” I heard her say. When I looked up, she was staring at JaRue. “Where is my niece while you’re out here being a hoe?” I looked between the two of them and tried to check the temperature. While Kari wore a smirk on her face, JaRue was everything but calm. The way her leg was bouncing up and down at a rapid pace was a dead giveaway. Shorty looked like she was a millisecond from scalping Kari.

“Girl, if you’on get your Juwanna Man looking ass away from my friend with that bullshit. She won’t beat your ass again but I will. I ain’t got shit to lose.” I looked over at her friend as she was already pulling her hair up in a bun. As bad as I wanted her to knock Kari on her ass, I wouldn’t let them fight in Murda’s club. This was supposed to be a business meeting, even though the meeting was rescheduled. I was still going to act accordingly.

“Chill, shorty. She ain’t worth the headache,” I warned.

“Really Haze? You’re going to act like that over a bitch that’s a poor excuse for a mother who won’t let my brother see his baby?” she spewed.

I looked at JaRue, and her expression never wavered.

“Journei, let’s go before I say the fuck the police and drag this long-toothed bitch every way but loose.”

I didn’t stop her as she gathered her belongings and stalked out of the area with her friend in tow. While I watched her leave, I regretted not getting her number. Now that I knew where she worked, I would be seeing her sooner than later.

“Damn, you do kind of look like a Saber-tooth tiger,” Knight’s stupid ass said, causing everyone in the section to roar in laughter except for Kari.

“Nigga, you stupid as fuck,” Murda mentioned through his laughter.

“Haze, are you going to let him talk to me like that?” she questioned.

“Aye, shorty. I’m a grown fucking man and no other grown ass man can let me do shit. The only person who has that kind of control over me is my wife, and she’s at home waiting on a nigga to come fuck her to sleep.” That nigga got serious fast as fuck. You can count on him to tell a joke, but you can also count on him to keep it real.

“Aye, why you still standing there like you got cement in your shoes?” I frowned, looking up at her.