Page 11 of Claimed By the Orc

“Yes.” His answer could have sounded arrogant, but not from Gragash. He was simply answering my question, with sparkling eyes as he saw my surprise. “You are mine, and you know it. You knew it as soon as we met. And I am yours, in turn. No need to play games.”

I’d had dates try to claim something from me, of course. Who hasn’t? Usually it’s the simple ‘he paid for dinner, so I owe him a fuck.’ Sometimes it’s weirder, and I’ve had a couple of ‘you owe me marriage’ offers.

Never, not once, had I considered giving in to those claims. Usually, I blocked the asshole’s number and forget about them. Gragash’s offer was the first I’d considered playing along with.

No, more than that. I wanted toagreewith him. Iwantedto be his.

Nope, can’t say that! Change the subject, quick.

“Lachrin Station’s bad news,” I told Gragash, jumping on the first topic that came to mind. “It’s a Guild station, and they’reused to hosting much worse things than an illegal deathmatch or three. They run it as a luxury resort for bored, decadent, rich assholes, so either this isn’t as big a deal as Vaher’s pretending, or there’s more to it. Blood on the sands won’t impress anyone there.”

“How did you learn so much about this place?” Gragash asked, still glowering at the hatch. I chuckled ruefully.

“I’d planned on doing an expose on it. Some Terran Hegemony officials are getting wined and dined out there, and probably up to more sketchy stuff.”

His brow furrowed, Gragash paced back and forth. I watched him go, trying to dredge up helpful information, until he rounded on me. “Why did you not pursue that story? It is far above some pit fighting reviews.”

That’s what he’s puzzling over? Not how he can escape, not what this means for him? He wants to know about my life.That shouldn’t have surprised me, but it did. “The problem was, I had no way in. I applied for a few jobs there, but never even got an interview. I don’t have the experience for any of the management positions, and I don’t exactly have the looks for a front-of-house job at a galaxy-class vice den.”

Gragash’s head snapped round at that, and he moved so fast it almost convinced me he could teleport. One second, he was at the far end of his lair from me. The next, he had me pinned with the bars at my back and his face inches from mine, a furious frown darkening his expression.

“Who told you that?” He demanded an answer with a snarl that would frighten off a tiger. I stammered something, words without meaning, and he cut me off sharply. “What fool, what wretch, thought thatyouwould not be the most beautiful attraction at any den of vice you blessed with your presence?”

My mouth dropped open, my heart pounding, and I tried to come up with an answer. My mind spun in circles, dredging up pointless, painful memories. “I… they…”

“They arewrong,Abigail ko’Gragash Harkness. Whoever they are, they are as wrong as it is possible to be.

“Your hair is a beautiful firefall, glorious to look upon, magnificent to stroke.

“Your face? Perfection. Eyes that give me insight into your soul, lips that promise heaven in a kiss and deliver it wrapped around my cock.

“Your skin, soft and smooth,” he kissed my neck, tusks scratching just enough to make me moan. “A delight to look at, a joy to kiss. Your blush, so expressive, showing the world your passion and need and longing.”

I doubt I’ve ever blushed deeper. And Gragash wasn’t done yet.

“Your magnificent breasts, a joy to touch, kiss, bite,” he demonstrated each word, caressing and kissing and nibbling. “Tipped with nipples so glorious, I could worship them for days.”

Slowly, he lowered himself to kneel before me, his lips never leaving my breasts. Hands caressing my sides, he kept talking even as our breathing sped up and my heart raced.

“Your beautiful, sexy, athletic legs. Your full firm and round ass, crying out for a caress or a spanking.”

I tried to object to that, but the only noise I could make was a whimper. Looking up at me, Gragash grinned.

“And then, my beautiful, there is your pussy.”

As he spoke, he slid a finger between thighs, teasing my lips with a delicate control that felt out of place on such a musclebound man. “Your amazing, wet, wanton pussy.”

I whimpered something wordless and tried to speak. Failed, because Gragash slipped a finger into my channel at just the right moment to turn speech into helpless, eager mewling.With gentle, irresistible strength, he guided me down onto the blankets, spread my legs, and met my gaze.

“Your delicious pussy.”

And then he dove in.

His long, dark tongue pressed between my folds, licked with eager intensity, slipped around my clit and driving me wild in an instant. I bucked under him, grabbing the blankets with both hands and pulling wildly. Gragash rumbled his appreciation, eating me out with skill and enthusiasm, enjoying every taste just as I enjoyed every stroke of his tongue.

He pushed a second finger into me, then a third. I bucked in a crazed frenzy and screamed at the heavens as his inhuman tongue lapped my clit faster and faster andwould not stop.

The orgasm crashed over me like a wave, and I clung to Gragash as though I was drowning and he was a life raft. I don’t know how long that gasping rush of ecstasy lasted—it seemed like every time I was about to recover, Gragash found some way to push me further from the shores of sanity.