Page 10 of Claimed By the Orc

He sighed and grimaced, answering in a lower tone. “Because it’s not just me. Vaher has my kin, and their comfort rests on my behavior. If I go too far, he will sell them to the worst buyers he can find, or just kill them outright. I am not even certain they are still alive. Vaher shows me recorded messages. Recordings are easy to fake.”

As soon as he mentioned his kin, I felt an icy stab into my heart. This wasn’t a better topic, obviously, and I should have kept my mouth shut. But since I’d already fucked up, at least I could do to something to help.

Raising my hand above the water, palm up, I opened my media library and scrolled back through the images I’d captured until I got to the orcs kept in the hold below. The picture hung above my hand, a shimmering hologram, and I rotated it to show Gragash what I’d seen.

“I took this just before they caught me,” I said. Gragash stared as I played the few seconds I’d captured, and a smile spread over his face. With the gentlest touch I’d felt from him yet, he took my hand and lifted it, looking into the hologram image.

“Jarchess,” he said, voice so low it was a whisper. “My sister. Yes, that is them. My clan, still alive and together. Still aboard this ship.”

Bending, he planted a delicate kiss on my palm. “Thank you, Abigail. You have given me a gift of great value, and I shall not forget that.”

My face heated. “It’s not that valuable, they’re still prisoners and?—”

He looked up and met my gaze, silencing me. “They are alive,” he repeated. “Together, and in reach. I had almost given up hope.”



We emerged from the bathroom grove dripping wet and laughing together, my smile broad and my step lighter than I could remember it. The forest pool had been a valuable escape for me when I was alone. With Abigail to share it, the pain cleared from my soul. And the news that my kin still lived, that Vaher had kept his word, was a bright light in the darkness. It was hope.

A temporary effect, alas, and one that faded when I saw who waited for us beyond the bars of my cage. Captain Vaher leaned against the door, flicking through holographic documents that floated in front of him. As soon as we entered, he banished them with a swipe of his hand and grinned at me.

I think he intended it as a friendly expression, but all it achieved was to remind me I hated this man. More, now that he had threatened my mate. I snarled in return, which he took in his stride. Whatever else he was, Vaher wasn’t easy to frighten. Whether that was from courage or stupidity, I didn’t speculate.

“Still having fun with your new toy, I see?” he said, nodding to Abigail. “I didn’t think she’d survive the night, but it doesn’t matter. You enjoy her in your own time, and don’t worry, when you break her, we’ll get you another.”

Abigail, face redder than I’d yet seen, dived under a blanket. A moment later, her face poked out, shooting a glare in Vaher’s direction. She didn’t speak, which was probably smart, but I saw it eat at her. My human was not one for hiding her feelings.

“You did not come here to tell me what to do with my female,” I growled, refusing to cover myself. That would give him the satisfaction of believing he’d discomforted me. “Nor to congratulate me on my win again. So why are you here? To what do I owe this…pleasure?”

There was nothing peasant about it, but I didn’t want to give him any reason to be angry. After all, he’d found a new weapon to use against me.

“Ah, young love.” Despite his words, his grin would have looked at home on a predator ready to pounce. It lacked even the smallest measure of kindness or friendship. “I remember what it’s like being unable to take your eyes, or hands, off a partner. No wonder you’re keen to get me out of here, old friend, but you needn’t worry. We need to discuss your next fight, which won’t take up much of your valuable time.”

I was used to swallowing Vaher’s false friendship, though I preferred his crew’s more open hostility. This time, it stuck in my craw. The captain narrowed his eyes, sensing my anger.

“Hey, tall, red, and ugly, lay off him.” I blinked, as did Vaher. Wrapped in her blanket, Abigail glared, making no attempt to hide her anger. “Gragash made you a fortune, and you owe him everything. In return, you could at least be honest about his status.”

“Ms. Harkness, please have a care.” Vaher’s voice was warm, friendly, and fake. “You’re a guest here, and you seem to enjoy your present accommodations. I can always move you to a less comfortable room.”

I growled at that, muscles tensing as I measured the distance to him in my mind. Pointless, with the bars between us. Thepirate captain was neither stupid nor careless, and he stood outside my reach.

Watching me, measuring my reaction as carefully as I measured his position. I couldn’t help feeling I’d given away too much. No fixing that, though. All I could do was change the subject, and hope he hadn’t seen as much as I feared. He wouldn’t hesitate to use Abigail as a tool against me, as he already used my clan.

“Who am I up against, and where?” Perhaps if I focused on the specifics of his plans and how I’d be useful to him would serve as a distraction.

The captain clapped his hands gleefully, all our disagreements apparently forgotten. “Your last fight put your reputation over the top, Gragash. You’re in the big leagues now! Three nights on Lachrin Station. Two low-key fights, easy wins, just to show you off to the paying customers. But the last one, that’s a champion’s match. A death match pitting you against Korsar, the Guild champion. He’s tough, no doubt, but I have every confidence in you.”

His eyes twinkled with humor and avarice. “Now, I’ll let you get back to your…exercises. You have two days to prepare.”

Nowhere near enough time for serious preparations. But then, being locked in here with Abigail meant I’d get alotof exercise in. I’d make do somehow.



“So, I’myourfemale now, huh?” I asked, hands on my hips, as soon as the hatch closed behind Captain Demon-Face. “You’re feeling pretty confident, aren’t you?”