“Yeah.” She crossed her arms. “I think you definitelycanexplain.”
“You snuck out in awig?”Juno’s voice was ice. “No wonder I saw your phone out of the hotel. I thought it had to be a fluke and you wouldn’t sneak out, but obviously, I was wrong.”
“I should have left Lila’s phone here,” I muttered. I’d been in such a rush I hadn’t even thought about it.
My secret stayed intact because I never snuck out. Rose and Lila were separate, and I was just reminded how bad I was at lying.
“So, you have a second one for . . . this version of you?”
“Yes,” I admitted quietly.
Juno rubbed her face. “Take off the red wig, Lila. It’s not going to work for much longer.”
“I’m not in a wig right now,” I said. “Lilawears the wig.”
Juno froze and turned to me. “How have you been an international pop star for many years and no one has caught on to that?”
“The bangs,” I said. “And I have very nice wigs.”
“So, the makeup . . .”
“Another way to throw people off my trail.”
“Oh my God. Why wouldn’t Mia mention this?”
“Because she doesn’t know.”
“Wha—what about Blaze?”
“How have you told no one?”
“My parents know.”
“So you have two whole lives. Why?”
“For sanity?” I didn’t want to mention Mom to Juno at all. My bodyguard was thorough and she didn’t leave stones unturned. And if she ever found Mom, I’d be in trouble.
“Why don’t I believe you?”
“The point is, I keep it a secret fromeveryone.Listen, I’m sorry I snuck out, but the plan wasnotto get caught.”
“It didn’t exactly go to plan, did it?”
“In more ways than one,” I said softly. “I saw cameras at this coffee shop I went to. I ran the minute I saw them.”
“Cameras? Did they follow you?”
“No. No one did. I’m hoping they were on some other celebrity and they didn’t recognize me. How many celebrities can Nashville have?”
“You know you’re at the country capital of the world, right?”
“So, then a lot? Maybe no one saw me?”
“No,”she said firmly. “You’re not going to think that you got out of this unscathed. You can’t go around by yourself, Lila.”
“I’m not Lila!” I snapped. “I’m Rose right now. No one knows who she is and I plan to keep it that way.”