Page 28 of Movers and Shakers

“My job is to protect you,” she said. “Which I’m already spread thin doing because it’s only me protecting a person worth more than my entire life.”

“I’m not worth more than you, and one person is enough. No one knows I’m here, and if there’soneperson, then it’s easier to be Rose.”

Her glare told me I’d said the wrong thing.

“I’m safe, okay? And if I’m not, I wouldn’t blame you. I just . . . I can’t be Lila all the time. I can’t live my life with eyes following me everywhere. It’s too much.”


“Juno, put yourself in my shoes. You know that whenever I leave the house, I have to have you or some other security around because people either want to photograph me or kidnapme for ransom. This way, I can be a person without anyone knowing.”

“But what if they did?”

“The only way they could would be if you told them. My parents have kept this secret for years.”

“I’m certainly not telling.”

“Then we’re good.”

“What if someone recognizes you?”

“Then I say we have the same face, but I find that as long as I don’t draw attention to myself, no one knows. I don’t have any unique features and I’ve doctored enough makeup-less photos that no one would believe it’s me.”

“You’ve thought this through.”

“Yes. I have. This isn’t just something I’ve done for fun. Ineedto keep my lives separate.”

Juno’s shoulders fell. She must have heard the desperation in my voice. “I guess I . . . I guess I can see how it would be. Even I’ve wondered how you manage it. Now I know.”

“Please don’t tell anyone.”

“I won’t. You can trust me.”

“I hope I can. I don’t exactly have a choice anymore.”

“I’ve kept secrets for you too, just like that guy you’re so obviously attracted to.”

“I’m with Blaze.”

“And he sent you here,” she reminded, one corner of her mouth quirking upward. “I won’t argue with you about Blaze, but Iwillargue about your safety. Do we have a deal?”

“We do.”

“So you need to let me go with you when you’re like this.”

“Wait, no.” I shook my head. “People know you’re my security guard. There are memes about you.”

A shadow crossed over her face. “Trust me, I know. ‘Mountain of a woman’ isn’t really a compliment.”

“I think it’s less of an insult and more like they want you to step on them.”

Juno turned red and looked away. “O-okay, so maybe Iamwell-known. But at least let me know where you are so I can be near.”

“I can do that,” I said.

“That is,ifyou weren’t caught today.”

My shoulders sank. I’d managed to forget my mistake for a few minutes. “Fuck. I hope not.”