Page 99 of The Laughing Game

It didn’t.

“V, I think we need to go to Emergency,” Gideon said. The towel was almost completely soaked with blood at this point. Gideon took it from Vihaal and passed him another.

“Don’t be ridiculous,” Vihaal said, pressing the fresh towel to his face, but not before a splash of blood landed on his white shirt. “I’m fine.”

Gideon threw me a look, then took a clean corner of the saturated towel between his thumb and forefinger.

“This has never happened before,” he said, spreading it open.

“It’s fine.”

“We need to go,” Gideon said.

“It’s more likely to stop if I stay still.”

“It’snot stopping. We need to go to the ER.” Gideon turned to me. “Back me up on this.”

“Vihaal, I think Gideon is right,” I said.

“I think you’re both overreacting.”

“Vihaal. Please,” Gideon said. “If you don’t come with us this minute, I’m calling nine-one-one and you’ll have that humiliation to add to everything else.”

“So fucking embarrassing.” Vihaal looked at me, then at Gideon, then rolled his eyes. “Fine.”

“Good,” Gideon said. “Let’s go.”

Gideon and I led Vihaal, still holding a bloody towel to his face, through the gaming parlor to the bar. Sebastian’s face, when he saw us, went white.

“Jesus Christ. Did one of your subs rebel and punch you in the face, Vihaal?” he asked, coming out from behind the counter. There were gasps as other people saw us.

“It’s a nosebleed,” Vihaal muttered. “Bad one.”

“We’re taking him to the ER,” I said. I handed Sebastian the key. “There may be some blood on the floor. He’s already soaked one towel.”

Sebastian’s face paled further. “Oh shit.”

“Sorry,” Vihaal said.

“No, no, it’s fine. Can I help in any way? An ambulance?”

Vihaal started to shake his head.

“Stay still!” Gideon said.

“No ambulance,” Vihaal grunted. “For fuck’s sake.”

“We’re driving him,” I said. “But thanks.”

We settled Vihaal into the passenger seat.

“I can put on my own fucking seatbelt,” he said when I tried to do it for him.

“Fine,” I said, irritation replacing my fear.

“Just start the car. I’ve got the fob in my pocket.”

Gideon pressed the start button and Vihaal’s precious Audi roared to life.