Page 100 of The Laughing Game

“For God’s sake, drive carefully. If you damage this car I’ll—”

“You’ll what, V? Paddle me within an inch of my life?” Gideon snapped.

I grinned from the back seat. What on Earth did you threaten a pain slut with, I wondered.

“I’ll ignore you for two days,” Vihaal mumbled. “How about that?”


“Empty threat. You never could,” Gideon stated.

“Try me.” Vihaal’s voice sounded strange, with the towel pressed to his nose.

“Do you think V could ignore me for twohours, Angel? Let alone twodays?”

“Not a chance,” I said. “No way.”

“Well, isn’t this nice. Now there’s two of you.”

“Yes,” Gideon said. “Thank God you’re here, Angel. I don’t know if I’d have been able to convince him on my own.”

Even though I was worried about Vihaal and all the blood, which terrified me in a visceral way, Gideon’s words hit in a place I’d ignored for a very long time.

Gideon stole glances at Vihaal as he drove.

“Keep your eyes on the road, Gideon. I’d rather not end up in a car crash.”

“Oh, ha ha. This is what happens when you pick your nose.”

I looked at Vihaal, who gave Gideon a steely stare.

“Slander doesn’t look good on you, sweetheart. You know I don’t do that.”

“Okay, fine. But how come you get nosebleeds so often?”

Vihaal sighed and shrugged. “Who knows? I’ve never had one this bad.”

“Well, at least you admit that this one’s unusual,” Gideon said.

We were close to the hospital now and I started to feel better about everything.

“I don’t know if it’sgoing to the ERbad,” Vihaal mumbled.

“Well, we’re fucking here now. I’m going to pull up to the Emergency entrance. Angel, can you help Vihaal in and I’ll park and come find you?”

“Yep. Got it,” I said, trying to remember the last time I’d had to bring anyone to the ER.

“You’ll need the fob,” Vihaal said, searching in his coat pocket while Gideon drove onto the hospital grounds and found the ER drop off. “Here.”

“Thank you,” Gideon said.

He pulled up to the curb and I got out, then helped Vihaal out of the passenger seat. I moved to take Vihaal’s elbow.

“Angel, you don’t have to lead me. I’m not fucking blind.”

A flash of anger flared. “Excuse me? I’m just trying to help.”

His eyes widened and softened above the bloody towel. “I’m so sorry. I’m…not very good at accepting help.”