Kyven’s brow furrows deeply. “But my kingdom has no formal alliance with his. Why would he come to our aid?”
“Because he is a Wolf-Shifter.” Raiden arches a brow as he gestures to me. “You essentially married his sister, so that makes you family to him.”
Commander Graedyn steps forward and bows low. “I am Graedyn, Commander of this Fortress. If I may interrupt, I have a suggestion.”
“What is it?” Edmynd asks.
“I suggest we combine our forces,” he says. “Rotate watch along the Wall.”
Edmynd nods. He turns back to one of his men, gesturing to him. “This is Commander Larken.”
The Commander dips his chin to Graedyn. His black hair falling forward over his heavyset brows as his sharp blue eyes study the Fae commander. “Commander Graedyn,” he says by way of greeting.
“You two will work together to come up with a rotation to put extra men along the Wall,” Edmynd commands.
The two commanders leave the room and Kyven looks at my brothers. “We have a guest quarters, but you will have to share a room.”
“That’s fine,” Edmynd says.
“As long as I get the bed,” Raiden teases. “You can have the floor.”
Edmynd purses his lips, and I laugh.
When we returnto our room, for the evening, Greywind is already asleep on the balcony. Kyven and I settle into our bed and he curls his arms and wings solidly around me, and I snuggle into his warmth.
“Promise me if things go badly, you will take Greywind and get to safety. You must—”
I press a finger to his lips. “Do not ask me to leave you, because I won’t. Do not tell me to run, because it is not in my nature to abandon the people I love.”
“But, Grayce, I—”
I silence him with a kiss.
My hands trace over the hard muscles of his chest, feeling the pounding of his heart beneath my palm.
“You are trying to distract me,” he whispers against my lips.
“Is it working?” I smile.
He rolls me beneath him. His dark eyes search mine, full of desire and hunger. “Yes.”
Carefully, I slice a line down Grayce’s sleep gown, leaving her bare beneath me. I cup her breast and she arches into my touch, moaning out my name as I roll the already stiff peak beneath my thumb.
Her entire body is so soft and giving. I lower my head and close my mouth over the soft globe, groaning as she threads her fingers through my hair to guide me to the other side.
She gasps as I lave my tongue across the sensitive bead of flesh and smooth a hand down her body to her center. Gently, I tease my fingers through her folds and find her body already slick.
My nostrils flare as her delicate scent grows stronger. “I can scent your need,” I growl. My every instinct demanding that I take her now.
She pushes on my shoulders, and I willingly go onto my back, curious to see what she will do.
She seals her mouth over mine in a searing kiss before traveling down my body. When she reaches my stav, the air explodes from my lungs as she traces her tongue over the tip.