“They are heading this way.”

“Why would they follow us?”

“I do not know, but I also do not want to find out.” He sighs. “I suggest we send a dozen of our best warriors and—”

“Start a war?” I ask. “No.” I shake my head. “We will not start a war with the Orcs. Especially not when we have no idea of their numbers. Send two of our best warriors to track them discreetly. Let us find out why they are headed in this direction and how many of them there are.”

He dips his chin and then he and Aren leave to investigate.

Sighing heavily, I make my way to the cleansing room and shower before changing into my soft knit pants for sleep. If not for those bloody Orcs we’d already be in Sylari. Grayce would be secure in the castle and in my quarters.

I lie back on the bed, already missing the feel of her in my arms. I wonder if she feels the same or if she is glad to have her own space.

It matters not. I will do whatever it takes to win her heart. I won it before, and I will win it again. And once I do, I will claim her and seal her to me.



The warm water of the shower is soothing, but my entire body is still tense. I know the Fortress is well-protected, but I’m on edge knowing how close we are to the Wastelands and to the Wraith. The Great Wall is formidable, but it is not perfect. If it were, no one would have to guard it.

When Florin was attacked by Kolstrad’s army, the Order of Mages fought for their side. They controlled the Wraith with their powers, using them in the battle against our people and the Dark Elves.

If Kyven and his warriors had not arrived when they did, and helped us, I fear we would have lost. Having seen, up close, the devastating magic of the Wraith, I cannot silence the worry in my heart at the knowledge that there are who knows how many of them just on the other side of the Great Wall.

It is a good sign, I believe, that Kyven does not seem worried about an attack. He was stationed here, and he knows these warriors and what they are capable of. That he has such faith in them to guard his kingdom gives me a measure of peace.

In the dining hall, earlier, it was nice to see a different side of him, the way he interacted with the warriors—his brothers on the Wall. It was as if seeing a glimpse of who he was before he had to take up the mantle of rule. I wonder if he misses the life he would have had if his brother had lived.

Finished with my shower, I wrap a towel around my body and grab another to dry my hair as I walk back into the bedroom. The wind howls outside the fortress and as I gaze out the small window of my room, I’m not surprised to see snow falling on the city, blanketing it in white. It’s a bit chilly in here, so I move closer to the large bowl with the l’sair crystals, trying to stay warm while I rub the towel over my hair to dry it.

I should have pinned it up when I bathed, but I’m so used to washing my hair every night it is habit by now. As I lean to one side wringing my hair with the towel, movement catches the corner of my eye.

I whip my head toward it, and my heart hammers as I remain frozen in place. Squinting my eyes, I draw in a shaking breath as I search the shadows for any sign that something is there.

After what feels like an eternity, I detect no movement. Blowing out a frustrated breath, I inwardly chastise myself. I’m nervous. That’s all. Being so close to the Great Wall is putting me on edge. I need to—

Something scrapes across the stone floor, and ice-cold fear floods my veins when I notice something moving in the dark corner. Indecision paralyzes me. If I cry out, I risk being attacked before anyone can reach me. And if I try to run, I may not be fast enough, and—

Glowing red eyes blink at me from the darkness and a terrified scream rips from my throat. “Kyven!”



Ascream pierces the darkness and I jerk up in bed, instantly alert. “Kyven!” Grayce’s voice cries out, and raw panic claws at my chest. I race for her room. Half running, half flying, I cannot reach her fast enough.

The sound of something crashing to the floor is quickly followed by another panicked cry.

I throw open her door and see the large l’sair bowl knocked over, crystals spread across the floor, and Grayce standing before it, dressed in only a towel.

“Grayce!” I rush to her side. “What happened?”

“There’s something in here,” she whispers, fear evident in her features as she stares at the dark corner. “I saw red eyes.”

I scan the darkness and relief fills me when I see the mountain squirrel hiding behind the chair, its tail flicking back and forth in agitation. They always seem to find their way into the fortress despite our best efforts to keep them out.

“It’s all right,” I reassure her. “It’s only a—”