When I bid her goodnight and turn toward the door, her voice stops me abruptly. “Where are you going?”
I spin back to her. “To my rooms. They are next to yours.”
“Oh.” Something akin to disappointment flashes across her face, but it’s gone too quickly for me to be sure. “I thought—” She gives me a faint smile, but it does not reach her eyes. “Never mind. Goodnight, Kyven.”
Indecision roots me in place. It is Fae tradition for a bonded pair to sleep apart, but I know she said humans do not. I am also aware however that we have not had our second ceremony, and her statement earlier about not being a queen yet indicates that she does not consider us fully bonded.
There was no choice in the forest, but here… I worried she would think it dishonorable if I shared her bed, even if only for sleeping, when she does not consider us fully wed.
“I thought it only proper, according to your traditions, that we not… share a room until after our Fae ceremony,” I explain.
Her small brow furrows, but she nods. “I suppose you are right. It would be… improper.”
Indecision wars within me. I want to stay with her, but I also want to honor her human traditions because I want her to know that I respect her. After a moment, I dip my chin and then leave the room.
When I enter my own, I want more than anything to return to hers, but I force myself to remain in place. Memories flood my mind as my gaze travels over the room. I remember sitting on the sofa with my brother, playing cards while my father paced back and forth as he listened to the commander’s report.
Graedyn grew up with my father. They were as close as brothers. Perhaps that is why I feel so close to him. He is a reminder of what I once had.
A subtle knock at the door is Aren. “I came to see if you needed anything,” he says. “I already checked on the queen.”
I’m glad he thought to check in on her first. It tells me he understands how important she is to me. “Thank you, but I am fine. I would, however, like for you to send someone to purchase clothing from the town for her.”
“Already done,” he replies with a pleased grin. “She has been given a sleeping gown and a fresh set of clothes for travel tomorrow: a tunic dress, pants, and travel boots in a size more… fitting for her.”
And this is one of the reasons I value his presence. He is always thinking ahead. “Thank you.”
“There is another item we should discuss.”
“What is it?”
“Talyn,” he says. “We spoke about forming a Queen’s guard, and I believe he would be a good fit.”
“Do you think he would wish for this post?” I ask, unsure. Talyn takes great pride in guarding the Wall. He is one of our fiercest warriors.
“I do.” He gestures to the door. “He is outside. I took the liberty of telling him you wish to see him.”
I purse my lips. “What if I had said no?”
“Then, it would have been just for a visit and not assigning him to a new post.” Aren arches a teasing brow. “You would have wished to speak with him anyway, would you not?”
He knows me too well. “Yes.”
Aren opens the door and Talyn walks in, his amber eyes crinkled as a smile lights his face. “It is good you have come.”
“I am glad to see you are well,” I tell him. “I have an offer for you.”
He tips his head forward in attention. “What is it?”
“I’d like to assign you as personal guard to my queen.”
His mouth drifts open but he quickly snaps it shut. “I—of course.” He lifts his chin. “I would be honored.”
A smile crests my lips as I clap his shoulder. “Good. It is settled then. You will come with us to Sylari.”
“There is something you should know, in regards to the safety of you and the queen,” he offers. “We have just received word that two of our scouts have discovered an Orc encampment not far from here.” His gaze hardens. “It seems they are tracking us.”
“Are you certain?” If he is, this is concerning.