I was dead…as dead as the stupid deer his family tried to make me eat every year.

Dally immediately turned to the happy man. “Would you like to keep me company? I’m Dalton but most people call me Dally. I’m not as kinky as Milo but I am very open-minded.”

The laughing guy was now just grinning. “How kinky is he?”


“He’s a little and he’s very curious about the Lactin side of the Lactin Brotherhood, if you get my meaning. He also likes spankings and will overshare after that second drink, which is one of the reasons why he has a limit.” Beaming at his new friend, Dally tucked his arm through the smiling man’s. “I, onthe other hand, overshare sober and I’m highly entertaining even if you’re mostly on the straight side of bi.”

For some reason, that was what startled Frowning Guy and his mouth dropped open as Dally led smiling guy toward the back of the building. “Mostly?”

I was going to kill him once I stopped being dead.

Being dead had my feet stuck in one place, though, and that was the only reason I just stood there looking stupid. I’d have come back to life and moved eventually, but the stunned guy made his brain work first.

When he turned to me, it took him a few blinks and a long exhale before he got a sentence out. “Would…would you like a drink, Milo?”

Looking around the lobby area, he nodded toward the direction Dally and the giggler had gone. “You seem to be new, so let me show you around.”

Well, at least that meant he wasn’t new.

“Your manners are better than Dally said, so don’t let him boss you around.”Or make you feel bad—but I wasn’t sure if I needed to say that.

Frowning Guy actually chuckled. “No, he’s right, but while my manners with regular people are a bit gruff, I do remember how to treat a shocked little.”

A shocked little who was now a blushing one.

“I…” There were no good responses to that, so I shrugged. “Yeah. Shocked little. But I can function on my own. I promise. Youdon’t have to take care of me just because I got dumped on your lap.”


“At your feet.”

God, that wasn’t any better.

Squeezing my eyes shut, I tried again. “You don’t have to take care of me just because Dally wandered off.”

Yes. I’d gotten a sentence out that wasn’t embarrassing.

Trying for another, I did my best to make sure Frowning Guy didn’t feel like he was stuck with me. “He likes meeting new people.”

He scoffed, forcing me to look at him in time to see him rolling his eyes. “Understatement of the year right there.”

Laughing probably made me a terrible friend, but he wasn’t wrong. “Maybe a tiny bit.”

My response got a smile from Frowning Guy and he held out his arm. “May I escort you in?”


Not wanting to look too stupid, I slowly stepped forward and dragged my brain out of the fog that had tried to take over. “You…you don’t mind what Dally said? The…the little part and the…the curious part?”

I wasn’t going to repeat it exactlyhowDally had said it, but I wanted to make sure Frowning Guy had understoodwhathe’d said.

Frowning Guy shook his head, still offering his arm. “I don’t mind what he said. He wasn’t exactly wrong on most parts but nothing he said was technically a problem. He was just…interesting.”

Trying not to smile, I shrugged. “That’s as good a word as any I’ve heard. You should hear what his mother calls him. He’s the baby of ten kids, and by the time they had him, nothing shocked her.”

I was pretty sure if he’d been kid number one, his life would’ve been harder but being the baby and one with some complications at birth had had the rest of the family seeing him in a different light.