“He can really hunt?” Frowning Guy looked past me like he was distracted by just the thought of Dally.

“Yeah, but don’t be polite about the wholeget your own meatthing unless you want them to offer to share.” It was…disturbing. “Oh, and if you let it slip you’ve got a deep freezer, they’re going to try to cut you in on half a cow.”

They were really helpful sometimes.

Frowning Guy blinked a few times like he wasn’t sure he’d heard me correctly. “My social skills do not extend to half cows and hunting.”

“I’ll help.” Maybe Dally had been right when he’d said I could help Frowning Guy with his social skills. “I like people. Even weird ones.”

I hated it when Dally was right.

“I’m going to take you up on that offer and hope it extends to this evening as well.” Frowning Guy sighed. “I wasn’t dragged here against my will but this was not my idea.”

“I can relate.” My slightly frustrated tone got a smile from him. “But that means you have to keep me company for a while.”

I’d end up standing by myself while Dally flirted otherwise.

“Deal.” He smiled as I finally slipped my arm through his, mirroring what Dally had done with his friend. “We shall keep each other company at the very least and then go from there.”

That sounded promising.

But promising still left me with questions…had he actually said he was gay? Had he said he was kinky? Did he understand what a little was? He seemed to, but he might’ve just been repeating what Dally had said to sound smart.

I’d gotten some really weird responses to that over the past couple of years, so I was less and less comfortable making assumptions about it…especially after the wholedo you turn into a little personquestion.


No, I didn’t.

“I’m going to be forced to admit that I’ve never met anyone here I needed to talk to for very long, but I’m pretty sure I need to tell you that my name is Elias and I’m in finance.” Pausing for a moment as we walked closer to where I could hear people talking, he finally let out a slightly stressed-sounding breath. “I’m also a member of the Lactin Brotherhood.”

Wondering how I was supposed to respond without going yay, I nodded slowly. “Thank you for sharing that. I’ve never worked in finance but I used to work at a coffee shop in one of the big bank buildings downtown. So I know enough of the lingo to nod appropriately.”

That got a laugh from Elias and he gave me a side-eye. “Not going to mention the other part?”

Trying not to squirm and failing badly, I sighed and ignored how red my face was getting. “I…I wasn’t sure how to respond in a way that wasn’t awkward or inappropriate.”

Looking like he wanted to laugh again, Elias finally shook his head. “What was your first thought? You have me very curious.”

Groaning only made his grin wider. “No, I can’t. I don’t want to make you uncomfortable.”

“I lactate, Milo. I’m a mostly gay Dom who lactates. You will not make me any more uncomfortable than I already am.” His dryly delivered reality check had me realizing he was probably right.

He hadn’t gotten offended at Dally either.

“Um, yay or maybe wow?” His chest jerked but he managed not to laugh out loud. “I…I’m not objectifying you or something like that. I don’t know the right word. I’m not naughty, though. Well, not naughty like that. Bad. I’m not bad like that. Shoot. That still sounds like I’m little.”

He barked out a laugh as we finally approached the doors of the room they’d rented out for their get-together. Every eye in the room turned to us. To say I was overwhelmed would’ve been an understatement.

Elias didn’t seem to mind, but he pulled me closer and shifted me around so I was facing him instead of the room. Then he leaned down and barely brushed his lips against my ear, whispering softly as he took my hand. “Please objectify me, naughty boy.”

Oh, wow.


Chapter 2
