“Let me think.” I knew to pick my battles with Victor and I wanted to make sure he kept taking my family’s calls. “Milo probably told Dally about the restaurant and the significance. He was very proud of being accused of being a prostitute, so he definitely shared that one.”

Just thinking about our date and his friendship with Dally made me realize there wasn’t anything he hadn’t shared and Dally probably already knew how big my dick was. The way Victor’s face was settling into a frown meant he’d realized that too.

“You can tell Dally that I’m planning on picking Milo up from work so I can talk him into coming back to my place.” Yes, it was fast, and yes, I was probably going to smother him. “He gets off at seven, and as long as he doesn’t safeword, I’m going to spend the evening with him.”

And hopefully the night and morning.

Victor broke out in an ear-to-ear grin. “I win!”

He’d lost his mind.

“I’ve got to go text him before he finds something better.” Nearly jumping out of the seat, Victor bounced to the door like a kid after too much candy. “Oh, and call your grandfather so he knows you didn’t elope. He wants to walk you down the aisle.”

For fuck’s sake.

“Oh, it’s like a scene fromPretty Woman.” Milo’s sighed-out description said he’d already told Dally about the run-in at dinner. “I’d be the best prostitute ever.”

But it was the way his face scrunched up that made me curious.

“I don’t know if that’s a rude word. I don’t have any friends who are in that line of work. I wasn’t that kind of broke.” Dally must’ve said something fascinating back because Milo shrugged. “Government assistance and looking cute.”

There were different kinds of poor?

No…there was no way to ask that without sounding like a dick, so I decided to keep that question to myself.

“Yeah, leaning against a fancy car and everything.” Pausing, Milo shrugged again and I started to wonder if he knew Dally couldn’t see him. “I don’t know. Big but not an SUV. Some kind of fancy sedan?”

He was trying to kill me.

“He’s pouting. So it’s expensive and I’m supposed to know what it is.” Nodding to whatever Dally had said, Milo shrugged once more. “I’ve always worked clothing retail, not cars. His watches are incredible, though.”

Okay, that was better.

“And now he’s happy again. Okay, I’m hanging up because my prince is here and if I keep talking, he’s going to end up frowning again.” Milo giggled. “Cars. I know. Yep. Bye.”

Disconnecting the call, he pretended to cross his arms and glare at me. “You’re my surprise. He’s been blowing up my phone with weird texts for the last hour.”

“That’s not technically my fault.” I wasn’t taking all the blame for it. “Victor needed better gossip to one-up Dally and we both knew that you’d already told him everything. So I had to helpVictor. He’d been tortured enough today. I couldn’t let him lose the gossip war.”

Milo did his best to roll his eyes and look like it was a ridiculous idea. “I didnottell him everything.”


He managed to keep a straight face for about three seconds. “Just most things.”

Now that, I believed.

“So you see why I had to help poor Victor?” There was no way around it. Eventually, I was going to have to end up buying Milo a private plane just so Victor didn’t always lose. “You should be grateful that I didn’t do something more dramatic.”

Cocking his head, Milo stepped closer. “What would be more dramatic?”

Before I could come up with a good response, he straightened, looking startled. “Wait.Pretty Womanpose. Fancy car. Big house. You have a housekeeper, don’t you? You’re not cleaning those toilets.”

I fully admitted to not following the logic that got us there, but I nodded. “It didn’t come up before.”

Sighing, he shook his head. “Well, at least I can tell them that I’m not going to be your maid.”

“Who?” Finally giving up on him greeting me properly on his own, I straightened and stepped closer. “Come here. You’re too far away. I’m not the chauffer. You’re supposed to say hello to me and greet me appropriately. I’m your Daddy.”