There had to be rules for that kind of thing.

Giggling, he made a piss-poor attempt at looking apologetic as he pressed himself against my chest and smiled. “Sorry, Daddy. Hi. It’s nice to see you.”

“Hello, it’s nice to see you, too.” Still pouting because it was making him smile, I kept my hands high enough not to shock anyone walking by. “Now, who was asking if you’re a maid?”

I wasn’t sure if I’d missed a conversation he had with Dally or if it was something weirder.

Milo shrugged. “The people who keep calling?”

Something weirder.

My brain actually stopped working for a second before Milo patted my cheek. “It’s okay, Daddy. Not everyone has a sane family. Not everyone has a family.”

“Mine is not sane.” Wait. Who didn’t have a family? “Aren’t you some kind of cousin to Dally?”

Milo blinked. “No. His family kind of adopted me when I was young and living next door in a foster home. Even when I got moved to a new home, Dally kept me and his parents just followed along, making me as much a part of the family as they could.”

Foster care.

Things started to come together but I nodded and kissed his forehead. “That makes sense. But yes, mine are the crazy kind and they’ve completely lost the plot. I was going to warn you about that, though. Honestly. I just thought I had more time.”

I hadn’t.

Milo was doing his best to take it seriously but his grin was peeking out. “Did you know it’s terrible that you want me to be your live-in maid? Oh, but according to the pictures they saw, I’d be cute in a skirt.”



A giggle escaped as I just stood there dumbfounded. “My favorite was the voicemail where a couple of women wanted to know where to buy a prostitute.”

Head cocking, Milo continued before my brain could catch up. “But wouldn’t that be rent? I mean, they’re not planning on keeping anyone, are they?”

“At this point, I don’t know but I will have someone watch them more closely.” I was taking that cost out of their inheritance, though. “Victor has explained several times that you are not for sale in any way.”

Brows pulling together, Milo frowned. “Is he as bossy as Dally?”

“Yes, but in this case, he actually handles all the phone calls from my family and I took some of his clients that were driving him insane.” Milo blinked, probably wondering what kind of crazy could beat my family’s interesting brand. “It works out well because I don’t care what weird strangers are doing and he loves all the gossip my family provides. They’re good distractions.”

“I always thought rich people had great lives but yours is kind of weird.” Once the words came out and I was doing my best not to laugh, he blinked. “Oh, that was rude. Sorry, Daddy.”

I got a cheek kiss but I shook my head. “Nope, this sorry needs to involve a grown-up kiss since you’re currently big. If I let youmove, I’m going to have little Milo asking for chicken nuggets and dessert.”

His giggle said I was right, but he tried to hold it back. “No. I’m very grown-up and…and I wanted pasta for dinner?”

Raising one eyebrow, I gave him a skeptical look. “You wanted cut-up spaghetti that you call something cute.”

“You’re really smart.” He tried to kiss my cheek again, but he blinked. “Oh, I do that a lot. Okay, big boy kiss time.”

And he was already slipping into his little headspace.

“That’s right. Then we can play or have dinner.” He was getting off at a weird time, so I wasn’t sure if he’d eaten or not. “My only plan is to keep you tonight, so everything else is flexible.”

He wanted to laugh but he held it inside and nodded. “I understand.”

That worked for me as consent.

“Kisses for Daddy.” His headspace was questionable but he puckered up his lips and brushed them against mine. “Thank you for coming to keep me, Daddy.”