“But okay, my limits. Let me think.” Daddy looked like Pooh Bear as he frowned and thought and finally shrugged. “None of my limits seem like they would come into play right now. I don’tlike pain. I will bottom but it’s been a long time since I did that. I don’t want to do anything that will make you upset.”


“Some people want to get upset?” I was confused but I didn’t get distracted even when Daddy tucked me back in my pants and made me look all nice.

“Yes.” Daddy didn’t like that idea. “I’ve talked to several subs over the years who…they were looking for scenes that they could cry from. Like watching a sad movie just to make yourself cry? That kind of idea.”

Oh, Daddy wouldn’t want to make someone sad on purpose.

He was a Daddy.

They didn’t like sad boys.

“I don’t want to be sad and I won’t spank you.” I wasn’t sure I’d do the other thing either. “I’m happy and I want cuddles and to make you happy.”

“Then I think that sounds like a wonderful plan.” Daddy tossed the washcloth in a big basket against the wall after only using it one time.

One time.

That’d be lots and lots of quarters.

“Are you ready to cuddle?” When I nodded, he kissed my cheek. “Alright, should we go back downstairs?”

“Yes, we can cuddle and then play.” I had to look at my basket again. “Do you want to play too?”

“I would love to play.” Daddy took my hand and led me out of the bathroom and down the stairs. “Do you know what you want to play first?”

“Hide and Seek.” Daddy had a big house. “I’d win.”

Laughing, Daddy tried to look serious. “No. I’d win. I know all the good places.”

“But I don’t know any of them, so I’ll find new ones.” I was a good hider and I was really nosy, so that made me a good seeker too. “I want to play books first.”

“So after cuddles then I’ll read you a book?” Daddy smiled when I nodded big. “That sounds like fun.”


“I like having fun.” And I liked having a Daddy. “Thank you for playing with me.”

“You’re welcome but playing is part of being a Daddy. It’s one of the important parts of it that everyone online seems to agree about.” Daddy shrugged. “Everyone sees being a Daddy differently, though.”

“Some people are bad Daddies.” They just couldn’t help it. “I got a good one, though.”

Daddy was all mine and that made him smile. “I like the sound of that because I got a good boy.”


I giggled. “Most of the time.”

Daddy laughed as he sat down in our chair and tried to pull me down. “Come here, silly goose.”

Shaking my head, I tried not to laugh. “No. No. No. It’s my turn to play and cuddle. You said so.”

Daddy cocked his head and looked like a confused puppy. “Technically, that sounds right.”

He was so funny.

“What are you—” Daddy was smart too because his eyes went wide when I plopped down between his legs. “You know you don’t have to do anything, right? You remember that part?”