
“That’s good.” Daddy’s bathroom was also good. “It’s so big.”

Daddy looked down at the front of my pants and nodded. “When it was hard.”

“Daddy…” I tried not to laugh but he was too silly and kept smiling.

“You’re so cute.” Daddy kissed my cheek again. “Come here. Let’s get clean and then you can have more cuddles.”

“I like cuddles.” Daddy did too because he came up behind me when I was at the sink. “You do too.”

Because I wiggled my bottom and felt how excited he was.

Daddy snorted. “Yes, I like cuddles too.”

He gave my neck a big smacky kiss. “Once we’re all clean then I’ll show you.”

Giggling, I was silly too because I made my face look confused and I wiggled again. “I get to see it?”

Daddy laughed and laughed and kissed my head as he started washing our hands. “You may have anything you want, but I’m very happy with our evening so far.”


“Anything?” Daddy said anything but he might not know what that word meant.

Dally’s mom didn’t know what it meant either.

“Yes.” Daddy kissed my head, not looking frowny or confused. “Anything as long as it’s not a no on my limits list.”

Maybe he did know what it meant.

“Having limits is a good thing.” Even Dally understood that and he was stubborn. “We both have limits.”

“Yep.” Daddy shook the water off my hands before he did his. “Alright, time to dry hands and then we’ll work on other sticky bits.”

“I’ve got a bit.” He was so funny. “What’s on your list, Daddy?”

Daddy’s face scrunched up as he turned me around so he could dry my hands. “I remembered to order your cup and toys but not send the lists.”

“Yep.” Daddy snickered when I gave him his silly word back.

“Well, I’m going to fix that tonight once I get an email from you.” Daddy frowned again. “Unless you want me to text it? I could print it out while you’re here?”

Did Daddy like papers or did he worry about papers?

“I like lists.” I shrugged and wiggled my dry fingers at him to make him laugh. “I like long lists and short lists and happy lists and naughty lists. I like lists anywhere.”

Snickering, Daddy kissed my nose. “I don’t want to eat green eggs.”

Giggling, I made a silly scrunchy face. “Me neither.”

But I’d been funny.

“Okay then.” Daddy looked happier as he picked up a washcloth out of a pretty basket on the counter like it was a fancy restaurant. “I will text it to you and not worry.”

He was so smart.

He was a good Daddy too because he warmed the water before he cleaned me up.