Was wondering when you’d open your computer.
He stared at the screen. Had he been hacked? Obviously. But why and who? And why would they talk to him?
He typed out a reply,
Are you a Nigerian prince, wanting to give me your fortune?
The person replied,
Nice try. Tell your boss to back off and leave me alone. It actually kind of hurts that he got ahold of me and not you. I guess you still can’t think of anyone but yourself.
He stared at the screen and his chest tightened. He consciously took a deep breath and a sip of tea that was far hotter than he thought it would be.
This is Nadine, isn’t it?
A pause, and then:
My name isn’t your concern. You don’t want me in your life anymore. Trust me on this one. As you can see, I can hack into your computer.
It isn’t even that hard. I will break any and all security you have around that ranch in Wyoming that for some reason isn’t on Google. Yeah, I can put it there, too. So, leave me alone.
Edwyn glanced around him. Was it possible she could see him? The security of Wayside was too important to risk for a chance to see Nadine again. No matter how sorry he was about what had happened.
I’ll tell him to back off. Nadine, I know it’s probably too little, too late, but I’m sorry. I know you feel like I turned my back on you. I wasn’t allowed to see you. It wasn’t my choice.
The curser flashed at him, blinking over and over. WasNadine gone? Had she abandoned their little chat that she’d illegally created?
Couldn’t? Or wouldn’t? Because continuing to see me would’ve bent the rules about enlisted persons cavorting with senior officers. No one had to know. But you had to tell them.
You couldn’t bend a rule for a little while until I could get transferred. No. Instead you let your superior know that you had feelings for someone directly under you. You ruined my military career. You chose them. I had to leave, but I found my way. Now, when people want things done, they come to me. No one can escape me if I want to find them.
Edwyn’s thoughts raced. If Nadine could use that very same talent for good, she could work for any of the alphabet agencies. If she was that good, they would pay her a lot of money. But he got the feeling she wasn’t good.
Nadine, are you doing illegal things?
His computer shut down almost instantly.
He stared at the screen, eyes wide, nowhere near tired. “I’m going to need a second cup of tea,” he mumbled.
Kelly grabbedthe remote to turn on the TV when someone knocked on her open door. “Delivery!” the nurse said with a cheery smile.
“For me?” Who would send her anything? For a briefmoment, she worried about Nathan. He’d called himself her boyfriend at Wayside to try to get the guys there to believe him. “Who are they from?”
The nurse set them on a shelf across the room. “The card says ‘from Sam, I’m letting you get better for a little while before I try to come see you. Thinking of you.’ Aww, he’s a keeper. Where would you like these?” The nurse spoke without pausing at all.
“Um, how about there, by the window?” Plants needed light, even if they were cut, right? She had no idea. She couldn’t recall the last time she’d been given cut flowers or any other gift. “That looks good. They brighten up the room.” But not as much as if he had come himself.
“It’s good that he understands you need a day. So often, people come and visit before you’ve had a chance to rest and then you take longer to heal. But just so you have comfort, we are limiting your guests. And absolutely no guests if you’re asleep. I heard from the doctor that you were taken from that raid of that apartment yesterday. So sad. But they rescued sixteen women and arrested one trafficker.”
“Only sixteen?” There had been so many more people in that apartment.
“That’s what I was told. Sixteen is still a great thing. Congratulations.” The nurse patted her arm above the IV they’d put in after her shower. She’d begged them to wait until she was clean, and they’d begrudgingly agreed, though it could’ve been that she’d finally put her foot down and threatened to tear them out if they put them in.
“Your friend, Anna, who came in with you is right across the hall. She’s doing a little bit better and asked if she could come over to visit you. Would that be all right?” She pressed a few buttons on the IV drip machine.
“That’s fine. We’re good friends.” Even saying that felt odd. She’d never thought she’d be able to call Anna her friend. She’d been told Anna was dead. And if what she’d gleaned from listening to the mumbles of the EMS team, Anna might not have had much longer.
“Did you hear anything about the ME going to that apartment?”