The nurse sat down and lowered her voice. “They’re talking about it all over the radio. Over twenty bodies were found in that basement in varying states of decay. If you’re into the creepy stuff, it really sets your mind going.”

She didn’t need to be into the creepy stuff. She’d lived a life of constant fear that she would disappear. Just because she knew now where people had disappeared too, didn’t make the situation any easier. “Yeah, gets your heart racing.”

The nurse chuckled and finished what she was doing, then headed for the door. She paused for a second. “I’ll let Anna know she can come over.”

Kelly gently scratched the spot next to the tape holding the IV, knowing that she couldn’t really make the feeling any better, but doing something helped mentally. She went back to scrolling the TV as Anna came in. She was in a hospital gown and robe. After washing her hair, she now looked much different than she had the day before, though still almost skeletal.

“Didn’t they feed you at all?” Kelly indicated the chair near her bed so Anna could sit.

“They sent food down occasionally. It was usually prepackaged stuff, like breakfast bars or toaster pastries. Just lots of sugar and no substance. I ate it because I didn’t want to starve.”

“Doesn’t look like they did a good job of preventingthat. What are your plans after we get out of here?” She hoped Anna had somewhere to go. If not, maybe Conner would allow her to come to Wayside.

“I’m actually from overseas. My parents were missionaries near India. I don’t know if they’re still there, or here . . . They could be anywhere by now. I don’t even know which churches were supporting us to contact and ask. One of the officers was going to put my information into a nationwide missing person’s database, but I may not be on it since I went missing in India, and they would have no reason to believe I’d come back to the states.”

Kelly swallowed. Homeless. But now she understood where Anna had gotten her steadfast faith. She’d grown up with it. “I don’t know what happened to get you all the way over the ocean and halfway across the North American continent, but I’m so glad you ended up near me,” Kelly said. “Without you, I don’t know where I’d be.”

Anna looked far away for a second. “I love my family and miss them, but I’m worried that I may never be reunited with them. I guess I’ll have to see what God has in store for me.”

“If God could answer our prayer in the dungeon, he will answer our prayer in a hospital.” Though Kelly wasn’t at all sure if that was how prayer worked or not. One thing was for certain: when she got out of the hospital, she wanted to learn more about Jesus and the faith that had saved her life.

“You’re right. I’m just worried because I don’t have a place to go, and they are talking about discharging me as soon as tomorrow.”

“Oh,” Kelly said slowly. That didn’t leave her much time. “I’ll call Connor and see if you can come with me to Wayside Ranch. It’s a place where victims can go to heal.The only drawback is that you might get Edwyn as a wrangler and he’s a little loud.”

Anna snorted. “After being in that basement for five months, noise doesn’t bother me. I craved sound. Any sound. People, voices, the scurry of tiny feet. I needed to know I wasn’t the only one down there.”

Kelly nodded, already feeling like Wayside was perfect for Anna. With the dogs and the horses, it was peaceful but rarely silent. She would love the dogs, whistles, the sound of the wind blowing, and even the men joking. If she had to be honest, she missed all of that, too

“I hope you can come. It would be really good to have another friend there. More than just Sam.”

Anna grinned. “Yes, Sam. Is he the one you told me about that night? The one you loved and prayed for a chance to see again?”

Had she done that? She remembered calling on the name of Jesus that night, but she’d been in so much pain that little else made its way to the surface. She very well could’ve prayed for the chance to see Sam again. And if so, God worked even when she didn’t remember asking for His help.

“He’s a good man, Anna. I don’t deserve a man like him.”

Anna wove her fingers through Kelly’s. “Oh, dear one, you do. That’s the very best discovery. You absolutely do.”

Chapter Twenty-Seven

After a few days in the hospital, Kelly and Sam traveled to the same halfway house where Kelly had lived for three months before she came to Wayside. Now, Anna would be joining her on the trip out to the ranch.

Sam seemed uncomfortable, unsure of what to say or do with Anna. She seemed to be more of an issue for him than Kelly had been, which made her feel a little better about everything. Even after all the mistakes they’d made, he’d still felt something. If he hadn’t, he would’ve treated her just like everyone else.

Sam went inside with her and Becky, the housing coordinator, came out and smiled. “Kelly, so good to see you again.”

She nodded, still unable to allow herself to get too close to people. Even the doctors who’d had to check her in the hospital had left notes in her chart not to wake her from a hard sleep with touch, or she might try to punch them. She didn’t want to. Her reactions were embarrassing, but that’s where her mind was now.

Anna came down carrying a bag very similar to the one Kelly had. It reminded her that she didn’t need it anymore and someone else might get better use of it. She’d send it back to them when she got home. The thought brought a smile, at least on the inside. She wasn’t quite to the point of allowing anyone else to know how she felt yet.

Sam took over the conversation, chatting with Becky about what they did at the ranch and going over the minimal paperwork. Before long, Anna was headed out to the car with them for the trip back to the ranch. She’d seen Sam almost every day and he’d helped her pass the time as much as he could, but she couldn’t wait to see Zeus. She craved his bristly fur against her face.

Sam turned on the radio quietly and the little bit of sound allowed her to relax into a lull in the passenger seat. Before long, Sam had pulled into a car rental place. He smiled at her. “Sorry, I wish I didn’t have to rouse you, but here’s where we leave the car. Lacy is waiting in that red car right over there.” He pointed across the lot. “Why don’t you take Anna over and introduce her, so you aren’t standing outside in the cold.”

At least they’d given Anna a coat. Kelly still had Sam’s after he’d wrapped it around her. That was the only piece of clothing she still had from that day. Sam had gone out to buy everything she’d needed for an outfit to ride home. He’d purchased clothes that were soft, comfortable, and roomy. Not what a guy normally would’ve chosen, but they made her feel good in her skin.

“Anna, you ready?” she asked.