It only takes about thirty seconds for the silence to get to me. Grabbing my phone, I hit play on Spotify. Margot must have been the last one to pick the music on my phone because I immediately recognize the intro of “All Too Well” and groan. I check the song, and sure enough, it’s the ten-minute version. That’s just what I need right now. To be alone in an RV with a bottle of bourbon while Taylor Swift drowns me in my fucking feelings.
Taking a sip, I skip to the next song.
“Why’d You Only Call Me When You’re High?” by Arctic Monkeys plays, and I’m much happier for it. It isn’t until I lean back that it occurs to me how weird it is for an Arctic Monkeys song to follow “All Too Well.”
Reaching for my phone again, I see that Margot hasapparently made a complete playlist titled “For When You Miss Me.” I scroll through the list and see it’s mostly Taylor Swift’s entire archive—only the ones that say (Taylor’s Version) because if Margot is passionate about anything, it’s supporting Taylor’s best interests. Arctic Monkeys’ AM album is sprinkled throughout, and she has “Landslide” in here at least seven times just to fuck with me.
Letting out a low laugh, I send her a text.
Matt’s eyesroll back when he takes his first bite of pasta. “Dude, how are you single?”
Rae shakes her head with a laugh. “Can you not make that face when you eat?” She grabs a bowl from Braden, thanking him before she continues by saying, “And what does his pasta have to do with his dating life?”
Matt’s eyes widen. “Rae, if I were into guys, and he made me this pasta, you’d never see me again.”
She forces a laugh. “Did you hear that, Braden?” she calls over her shoulder where Braden and I are still standing in the kitchen. “You might be stealing my boyfriend.”
Braden answers her while he scoops pasta into a bowl for me. “Don’t worry Rae. Hoes before bros.”
I watch their interaction with a smile teasing the corners of my lips. Rae shakes her head and mutters, “Oh my god. I can’t with you two.”
As Braden hands me a bowl, I say, “Itisreally good pasta.”
The corner of his mouth pulls up as he looks down to make his own dish. “If only it helped me get the girl, right?”
“Invite her over for dinner. I’m sure it will do the trick,” I say with a grin.
He gives me a small smile. “Yeah. Maybe.”
“Can you two come sit down?” Matt asks with a mouthful. “The longer you stay in there, the worse it is that I didn’t wait for you.”
“Because rushing them to the table is so polite,” Rae sasses with a light laugh.
Braden holds out his hand with the bowl. “After you.”
I just say, “Thanks,” and go to take a seat.
“Seriously, will you marry me?” Matt asks Braden as he slides into the chair next to him.
Braden moves his noodles around with his fork, a trace of laughter behind his words when he says, “Maybe one day.”
Ignoring her boyfriend, Rae turns to me. “Did you book your flight?”
Her question brings a smile to my lips, and I take a bite. It could probably make my eyes roll back, but I try to rein it in. “I did.”
“And he’s taking care of the hotel, right?”
I nod. “Also already booked.”
She raises her eyebrows. “Jackson does not play around when it comes to you, that’s for sure.”
Her comment brings on a new wave of flutters and a pang to my chest, the empty chair at the table suddenly feeling bigger than the rest.
“I’m just jealous you get to go to New York,” Matt says, and I hadn’t realized the guys were paying attention.