Page 98 of Endgame

‘I know. Can I?’

‘You can tell her tomorrow,’ I concede.

‘Thank you! I promise that’ll be the last person.’

‘Only because you will have run out of people to tell,’ I tease him.

Caleb lies back and opens his arms and I find my space in them.

‘Aari?’ he says quietly after a while, as he slips his hand over my tummy.

‘Yes, Black?’ I yawn.

‘Thank you for putting up with me. I know it’s not going to be easy to endure; but carrying, nurturing and growing my love inside of you means everything to me. I never imagined that I’d want to have kids, but there is nothing I want more than this child, because I’m having it with you. I wouldn’t want to do this with anyone else.’

I can’t help the tears that fall. I am in love with this man.

‘Also, I’ve been on the internet,’ he continues after a long pause. ‘Your libido is about to skyrocket. Just so you know, I’m here to serve.’

I sit up, turn and climb on my boyfriend and he fulfils his promise.



I can’t concentrate. Normally I’d be following the blood in the water and going for the kill at this event, but all I can think about is Ariella. I took her home early from work today and had to leave her throwing up in MsPat’s care just before I left the house. I almost didn’t come, but babies aren’t cheap. As confirmed by the internet. And Tim.

When I call and tell them, Em simply gasps loudly. Tim takes over the conversation.

‘You know her father is going to kill you, right?’ he says happily.

‘Cheers for that, mate. It may not be that bad.’

‘Didn’t he refuse to give you his blessing to marry her?’

‘Only because he thought I wasn’t ready.’

‘Think he’ll change his mind now you’ve done this?’

‘Why do you sound like you’re enjoying this?’

‘Because I am. You’re going to be a dad. It’s great news and is going to be so enjoyable on so many levels. I can’t wait for the day you’re going to try to give useful advice,’ he teases.

‘I can give useful advice!’

‘Really? Okay. Quick test. You’re down to your last twenty quid. Are you going to spend it on hair wax or nappies?’ He roars down the phone. ‘Oh! Can I be the one to tell Jack?’

‘Yes, you can tell Jack.’ I let him have his fun.

‘Mate, start saving now. You’re going to be so poor.’

‘I know!’ We both crack up.

I got a single message from Jack shortly afterwards.

Goodness knows why the universe has let this happen, but congratulations mate. Poor Ariella. She’s in for a treat. Cigars and whisky when you’re next about.

I am aware that I need to be able to support whatever Ariella decides she wants to do. I’m making really good money in Singapore and the bonuses I’m pulling in are fantastic, but I need to start focusing on what I’m going to do when we get out of here. I have no doubt that Ariella will be an exceptional mother and will fill our home with nothing but love, so I am committed to being a good man – providing for and protecting our family.