Page 97 of Endgame

‘Yes, I am.’

‘I think maybe we needed a different time, different place and different circumstances. And for Caleb not to have been born. I get the feeling that I’d lose out to that guy every time when it comes to you.’


‘I wouldn’t change anything though. Anyway, Samir.’

‘Yes, Samir.’

‘Can you be more cooperative? He said he finds you challenging.’

‘All I am doing is my job, Dom. He needs to hire his COO, then he won’t have to deal with me.’

The car pulls up outside my home.

‘I’m home. I have to go, Dom. See you next week.’

I open the front door, excited about seeing Caleb. Today was the last storytime and we have finally managed to get rid of Melissa. I am in the mood to celebrate.


Lara, Honey, Caleb, MsPat, Bryce and Lydia stand in front of me, holding a large cake iced with the words, ‘Congratulations Mama!’

‘I told Bryce and Lydia. Sorry. I couldn’t help it.’ Caleb laughs, not looking sorry at all, as he steps forward to give me a kiss.

‘Can they be it though?’ I laugh into his kiss. ‘No more people until three months?’

‘Can I tell Tim, Em and Jack? After that, I promise that’s it.’

‘Caleb! We’re supposed to be keeping this quiet.’

‘Let’s promise each other not to say anything after Tim, Em and Jack.’

‘Let’s? Caleb, you’re solely responsible for every single person who currently knows that we’re having this baby.’

‘Just think about it. Please?’

‘I will murder you and happily have this baby in prison if this ends up on social media.’

‘Is that a yes?’ I have never seen him this excited.

‘I’ll think about it.’

I’m happy he told Bryce and Lydia. They deserved to know. Lydia has already spent the day making sure that I won’t have to go to hospital. She has also arranged for a private medical team to do my first tests at home. Even Bryce showed up with a cute stuffed kangaroo for the baby.

It’s a lovely evening with the seven of us. Lara is fully committed to the campaign for the name Elsie.

I’m exhausted by the time I get into bed.

Caleb is already there, smelling of shower gel and toothpaste. He lies on his side, propping his head up with his palm.


‘Well, what?’ I ask, smiling at his happy face.

‘Can I at least call Em? She’ll be home now.’

‘That’s the same as telling the three of them.’