I knew that the introduction of the CEO would change things drastically at Ivory Bow. Samir has shaken so many things up that everyone seems to be threatening to walk out. We need this dinner. I also see it as an opportunity to share a little more of myself with the team.
Months ago, I was surprised to find that Dominic was able to secure a black-and-white house for me in his community. I’d fallen in love instantly with the quaint two-bedroom, its beautiful garden, the open-plan living space and humongous kitchen that opened fully out to a gorgeous dining patio. I moved in within forty-eight hours. Thankfully, with the help of MsPat, Eden and Ruby, I unpacked quickly and the space felt like home within a day.
The team were just as enamoured with my new home when they arrived for the dinner, and went exploring as soon as they grabbed their bubbles on arrival. I’d played it safe and gone Italian, putting my two large double ovens, vast kitchen islands and extensive hob space to use. I felt extremely lucky to have such an amazing kitchen; even MsPat commented on the state-of-the art appliances. I made little antipasti canapés and freshly baked focaccia for starters, large platters of beef braciole, oliveand tomato baked baccalà, a simple pasta, pesto, pine nut and Parmesan dish and lots of Mediterranean salad. For dessert, I thought I might attempt a tiramisu, but I ran out of time and cheated with some shop-bought gelato.
Spending the whole day in the kitchen with MsPat made me happy and reignited my plans to discover local produce, recipes and the best food suppliers. She made me even happier when she finally agreed, after much convincing, to join us for dinner as a guest. She had one caveat: that she sit next to Caleb, because they apparently have news to catch up on. It makes my heart warm that Caleb has grown to love MsPat just as I have.
When we sit to eat, I’m expecting an evening of complaints, placating, negotiating and maybe even some begging because of the frustration the team has been feeling. Instead the evening feels like a celebration. The team is lively, full of laughter, stories, gossip and gratitude that we’ve managed to stay together in spite of everything the last few months have thrown at us.
‘Devin asked me out on a date after he left, and I told him to suck it!’ small, sweet, quiet, exceptionally polite Akiko announces out of nowhere, making the entire table erupt with laughter.
‘He asked me out to lunch,’ Sian adds. ‘I was much ruder than telling him to suck it, and he hasn’t reached out since.’
‘While we’re on the topic of office romances,’ Jess says, raising one hand in the air while pouring more red wine into her glass with the other, ‘I heard a rumour that you and Caleb used to date when you were both in London. Is it true?’ she finishes, looking at me for answers, with a cheeky grin and a raised eyebrow.
Eden, Ruby, Akiko, Bree and Sian follow her gaze to land on me. They all seem to lean forward with enthusiastic interest at the same time, and I shrink back.
‘I’ll answer that,’ Caleb says, thankfully, lifting a glass of champagne to his lips to hide his smirk. Oh no. Wait. I know that look.
‘The question here is’ – he shrugs lazily before fixing me with his glinting eyes – ‘who says we’re done?’
The ‘oooooohhhh’ that erupts from the table is so loud, I have to remind them that I have neighbours. Even MsPat, who has been a close witness to everything, is looking at me with wide, happy eyes, and her mouth is shaped into a tiny ‘o’. Bryce and Lydia, who also knew, both have their faces in their hands and are smiling.
‘I told you something was going on, the morning we busted him leaving with breakfast!’ Eden pokes Ruby.
‘What?’ the four project girls ask at the same time.
‘We got to Ariella’s apartment early one morning and Caleb was leaving in his pyjamas. MsPat tried to cover like he hadn’t been there all night!’
MsPat throws her head back and laughs so deeply it makes my love for her bubble up.
‘MrCaleb want breakfast that morning, that is all I know.’ She looks naughty.
‘But did he arrive that morning?’ Ruby presses, enjoying herself.
‘Noooo. I love you, Caleb, but I like Dominic better for Ariella. He treats her like a princess.’ Akiko, forever the sweet romantic, frowns sadly. I react quickly.
‘Akiko,’ I address her lovingly. ‘Dominic is our very dear friend and our boss. It’s better to keep it that way.’ I placate the most delicate member of my team and resist the urge to give her a hug. I decide to put a stop to the circus Caleb has created at the table.
‘Caleb is a troublemaker, and none of you should pay attention to him.’ I can’t help the joy I feel though. ‘But yes, we were more than colleagues in London for a while.’
The table erupts again and I decide to let them have as much fun with that bit of information as they want.
Everyone is full, drunk and happy by midnight, under the soft, twinkling fairy lights that hang above the humongous hand-carved wooden table and chairs in my outdoor dining space.
When Lydia makes her excuses and offers to drop MsPat at home, everyone helps to clear the table and put a full load in the dishwasher. Eden then suggests that the night is young and orchestrates a mass exodus to a private rooftop party.
‘I’ll help to tidy up. You guys head out,’ Caleb volunteers when they ask if he is coming.
‘It’s okay, you go,’ I offer as there isn’t much left to do tonight. He shakes his head quietly and we tidy in silence until I am rinsing and stacking the last few dishes ready to go in the dishwasher when the first load is done. It’s not until I turn the tap off and the house is silent that I can feel him watching me. I decide that the sink isn’t quite clean enough and turn the water on again to break the silence.
‘Clearly, Akiko thinks I’m a scumbag.’ I hear him chuckle. His mood is light. I relax immediately.
‘Akiko’s screen saver is Donkey and Dragon fromShrek, staring lovingly at each other. The bar is high.’ I chuckle too.
‘I think the sink is clean, Aari,’ Caleb says, suddenly, from behind me as he reaches past slowly to turn off the tap. ‘You didn’t tell me you were moving,’ he almost whispers. Light mood over.