Page 114 of Endgame


‘You know that thing you do that makes the worst idea in the world sound like a Nobel prize-winning opportunity?’

‘No, not really but?—’

‘Do that. Just that. And you can’t stay. You can spend as much time as you want here, but you can’t stay.’

‘Why can’t?—’

‘You can’t stay. That’s it.’


Only then does Lara let me in. Aari’s lying on the couch in her towel, staring up at the ceiling.

‘Mason. Come on.’

I lift her in my arms, carry her upstairs and lay her on the bed of a room that hasn’t been slept in. Then I quickly strip, have a shower and wrap a towel round myself, and get into bed with her.

I arrange us into our favourite co-sleeping position and hold her until she falls asleep. For the first time in a long time, I don’t touch her belly.

The sun is setting when I open my eyes. She’s awake, just lying there with her head on my chest.

‘Mason, what can I do to help?’

‘Nothing. Please just lie here with me.’

‘I want nothing more, but can I get us some water and maybe I can make you some cheese on toast?’

I give her a little kiss on the lips before I extract myself and make my way downstairs.

‘You have got to be fucking kidding me.’ Lara attacks as she sees me appear.


‘You animal. You slept with her in that state?’

‘Of course not! I had a shower because I boarded the flight straight from work and only stopped at home to get my passport. See any bags?’

‘Oh. If you give me your clothes, I’ll put them in the machine for— Ugh. No, actually. Yuck. Do your own laundry. How is she?’

‘Awake. I’m going to make us something simple to eat.’

Lara is upstairs before I get to the kitchen. She isn’t quite as thorough a grocery shopper as Ariella but she has the essentials. Bread and cheese. I layer the cheese carefully and pop it in the oven. While I wait, I text the only person who I know can help.

Ariella might be depressed. I don’t know what to do.

Em replies immediately:

What do you mean?

She’s been in bed since she got back. Not really eating or saying much. She doesn’t want to talk about the baby.

Oh no. I’m so sorry Caleb.

What should I do?

Be with her. Find tiny things that don’t require a lot of effort and suggest them. When she talks, just listen. Try to understand, not fix. Meet her where she is and gently guide her out of it. Baby steps though. Most importantly, ask her what she needs.