Page 48 of Condemned to Love

White-hot pain explodes in my side as a blade finds its mark. I stagger, warm blood soaking my shirt. The dark elf grins, his teeth pointed and cruel.

"Not so tough now, are you?" he taunts, raising his sword for the killing blow.

I won't give him the satisfaction. With a roar of defiance, I lunge forward, ignoring the agony tearing through my body. My blade slides between his ribs, the look of shock on his face almost comical.

As he falls, I stumble, my vision blurring. But I can't stop. Not yet. I force myself to stand, my legs trembling with the effort. Blood drips from my wound, but I raise my sword, ready to face the next attacker.

I grit my teeth against the searing pain in my side, blood seeping through my fingers as I try to stem the flow. The dark elves circle me like vultures, their cruel laughter ringing in my ears. I won't give up. I can't.

With a defiant roar, I lash out at the nearest attacker. My blade connects, but the blow lacks its usual strength. The dark elf hisses in pain, then grins wickedly.

"Look at the little human, still trying to fight," he sneers, kicking my sword from my weakening grip.

I scramble for my weapon, but another dark elf's boot comes down hard on my hand. I cry out in pain as bones crunch beneath the pressure.

"Where's that bravado now, human?" one of them mocks, seizing a clump of my locks and wrenching my skull backwards.

I spit in his face, tasting blood. "Get fucked," I snarl.

His response is a vicious backhand that sends me sprawling. I hit the ground hard, my vision swimming. The wound in my side screams in protest as I try to push myself up.

A boot slams into my ribs, flipping me onto my back. I gasp for air, each breath a struggle. Dark elves loom over me, their faces twisted with cruel anticipation.

"Time to finish this," one of them growls, raising his sword.

I close my eyes, bracing for the final blow. This can't be how it ends. Not after everything I've fought for.

Suddenly, a familiar voice cuts through the chaos. "Elowen!"



The clash of steel and the sizzle of magic fill the air as I tear through the battlefield. My wings slice through the smoke, propelling me forward with each powerful beat. Dark elves swarm around me, their faces twisted in savage grins.

"Come on, you bastards!" I roar, swinging my blade in a wide arc. It connects with flesh and bone, sending a spray of blood across my chest. The metallic scent fills my nostrils, fueling my rage.

I catch a glimpse of fiery red hair through the chaos. Elowen. She's surrounded, fighting like a likar against three towering dark elves. My heart lurches as I see her stumble, blood seeping from a gash in her side.

"No!" The word rips from my throat as I charge forward. A dark elf steps into my path, his violet eyes gleaming with malice. I don't break stride, ramming my shoulder into his chest and sending him flying.

Another comes at me from the side, his blade whistling through the air. I duck, feeling it slice through a few strands of my hair. In one fluid motion, I drive my fist into his gut andbring my knee up to meet his face. He crumples with a satisfying crunch.

I'm so close now. Elowen's on one knee, her sword trembling in her grip as she fends off blow after blow. The largest dark elf raises his mace for a killing strike.

"Elowen!" I bellow, pushing off the ground with all my might. My wings snap open, propelling me the last few feet. I collide with the dark elf just as his weapon begins its downward arc.

We hit the ground hard, rolling in the dirt and blood. His fist connects with my jaw, stars exploding behind my eyes. I grab his wrist before he can land another blow, twisting until I hear the snap of bone.

The dark elf howls in pain and fury. I silence him with a vicious headbutt, then drive my dagger into his throat. Warm blood gushes over my hand as the light fades from his eyes.

I scramble to my feet, my gaze locking onto Elowen. She's pale, so pale, her usually vibrant skin now ashen. The wound in her side is worse than I thought, dark blood soaking through her torn armor.

"Elowen," I breathe, dropping to my knees beside her. "Come on, Red. Stay with me. Don't you dare die on me now."

I cradle Elowen's body against my chest, her blood warm and sticky on my skin. My eyes scan the battlefield, searching for an escape route. Dark elves surround us, their faces twisted with cruel anticipation.

"Hold on, Red," I growl, tightening my grip on her. She lets out a weak moan, her head lolling against my shoulder.